Costa Blanca News

The Marina Alta Arts Society: October presentati­on


Our next presentati­on will be on t October 1 at Salones Canor in Teulada. The lecturer will be the author and artist Rosalind Miranda, her subject ‘ Political Art’

As has become standard fare, coffee will be available prior to the meeting, and a glass of wine and soft drinks are offered to members and guests to allow socialisin­g with the committee and speaker after the lecture. At all times evveryone is reminded to follow the rules of social distancing.

For further details of the Society, venue and programme for 2020, please see the website www. marinaalta­arts. com or for membership contact Jane at TASMA. membership@ gmail. com.

Political Art, by Rosalind Miranda

Please do not be dispirited with the title of this lecture. Although most propaganda is of a political nature, this is not the core of Rosalind’s lecture. Instead of showing ways in which government­s try to influence our thinking, her approach to this subject is from the other side. The presentati­on shows how independen­t artists have tried and have succeeded, some are still trying to put across a message that reflects how they see their own present or past times.

Some regimes try to control forms of artistic expression, others to eliminate them altogether. Whenever this happens, there will be some courageous individual­s who rebel. The works discussed will start in the 19th century and continue up into the 21st, with an emphasis on understand­ing the political background of each of these works. Artwork may be directly aimed at a political cause, either to endorse it or otherwise, or it may send a message.

Whatever the aims of the artist when trying to express socioecono­mic conditions and political content it is up to you the public to evaluate, learn and make your own decisions. We trust that this lecture will help in understand­ing more of what the ‘ Political Artist’ is trying to convey, and to give more thought to their works.

“The Problem we all live with “. Norman Rockwell 1963.

Rosalind Miranda… Artist, Academic, Traveller & Writer.

Rosalind is a native New Yorker, raised in Manhattan.

Her father was an art teacher who started taking her to the superb museums locally when she was quite young. Thus began her deep interest in art and artists. After completing her studies at university, she joined the faculty of the University of Connecticu­t for five years. She then left the United States to teach at a college in New Zealand. Later, taking a fouryear break from academia, she sailed around the South & North Pacific, finishing the trip in Hong Kong, where she recommence­d teaching for a dozen years before moving to Spain.

Rosalind is the recognised author of a highly acclaimed ×workbook ‘ Celestial Navigation for Yachtsmen’. She may even show you how to navigate by using the stars !

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Rosalind Miranda

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