Costa Blanca News

TeuladaMor­aira Fishing Club


W ednesday, S eptember 1 6 should hav e seen our first match since the coronav irus outbreak . H owev er, chang es made to the match structure at our recent A G M , meant that the ' cemetery' sections, E and F , would no long er be fished competitiv ely, yet E 2 had already been reserv ed with the F ederation, six of us held a friendly on this section whilst other members fished B 1 .

O n the cemetery section M alcolm H unt was first to land a fish within half an hour, but g enerally a v ery slow start. M ost of us were fishing a feeder tig ht to the bamboo on the far bank and a second rod close in to the near bank but neither area was prov ing to be productiv e. M alcolm and R ay T urv ey, fished adjacent peg s, being the only ones to land the occasional fish.

D uring the afternoon ' up in the water' tactics were employed on the near side resulting in one or two fish being landed and attracting dense shoals of bleak . G raham S ewell landed a nice carp of around 5 k g . F rank P ov ey hook ed two bass, unusual, as they predominan­tly feed on the bleak , not boilies or sweetcorn.

A s some of us were pack ing away both M alcolm and R ay started catching more freq uently, ending up with six or eig ht fish each whilst the rest of us had landed mainly ones and twos.

W e ex pected to hear better numbers from those fishing B 1 but they similarly only had ones and twos and were sick ened to watch a S panish ang ler fishing close by land in the reg ion of 2 0 ! Needless to say he was approached to try to discov er the reason for his success yet he appeared to be using the same methods and similar baits to us. W e are g oing to say that he was just L U C K Y !

O n T hursday, three members tried B eniarres but were refused access to the fav ourite area, being told it was no long er possible to fish there. T hey mov ed to another area and were approached by the police, had their licences check ed and told that they must mov e their cars back onto the road. A fter all this, catches were v ery poor.

It should be noted that the F ederation hav e introduced reg ulations with reg ard to matches being fished during the coronav irus outbreak in respect to the wearing of mask s where two metre distancing cannot be maintained and av oiding the shared use of eq uipment and the disinfecti­ng of any items which are shared. W e hav e put procedures in place to comply with this.

W e are a v ery friendly club and are always happy to welcome new members. A nyone without match fishing ex perience will be g iv en assistance and adv ice from our more ex perienced members. C ontact F rank P ov ey on 9 6 6 4 9 0 3 3 8 , email frank pov ey1 @ g mail. com , or call R ay C raig on 9 6 6 4 9 2 0 8 3 or 6 5 0 0 6 9 2 4 7 for info.

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