Costa Blanca News

Costa Blanca News’ weekly feature supporting local writers, in conjunctio­n with Writers' Ink WELCOME to our Writers’ Ink group’s weekly words. We provide news, views, tips and examples of writing by authors and poets, local and beyond. Founded in 2010 b

- Cheers! Joy Lennick

Warm greetings,

TO start off on the right foot, so to speak... how about these two quotations to put everyone in a good mood!

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that, within me, lay an invincible summer,” by Albert Camus (and I...) and “There is nothing in the world as visibly contagious as laughter and good humour,” by Charles Dickens. I'll go with that.

It's quite interestin­g what odd superstiti­ons some writers have, especially the eccentric writer Edith Sitwell. Before writing poetry, she would climb into a coffin to be 'inspired'. What a shame I missed reading her work... Charles Dickens always faced north when he slept as he thought it improved his creativity and writing. So do husband and I (but only because the bed faces that way!). A certain Joaquin Miller had sprinklers installed as he composed better when the rain hit the roof! Alexander Dumas had a colour fetish and wrote fiction on blue paper, poetry on yellow, and articles and essays on pink. Amy Lowell's penchant when creative, was smoking a cigar. She, apparently, always had a good supply. It hardly seems worth mentioning... that many writers avoid the number thirteen; especially Friday the 13th! Many of their chapters ended at page 12 and continued on page 14!! (I lived at number 13 for nearly 21 years and my maternal grand-parents lived at No. 13 for nearly 50... happy years.) Hey ho!

On a more serious level, aimed at writers who more or less depend on their writing earnings... most know that to rely solely on Amazon and Kindle, unless very lucky... they will – in the future – have to exist on 'bread and dripping' (meat fat to younger readers, eaten during WWII) but I could possibly have a day – all expenses paid - in Benidorm!

One man: James Daunt, aged 59, seems set to make book lovers (writers and buyers) happier, and hopefully writers a little richer. He is managing director of Waterstone­s, and just put the company into profit mode via various changes. One was to reduce the swollen staff levels. Daunt was Barnes and Noble's British chief executive, and 'book driven'. TikTok are, apparently, a powerful influence. Good for you Mr Daunt (Info via the Guardian newspaper).

I'm sure well known author Marcia Meara won't mind me repeating two of her borrowed quotations, read recently: “Reading can seriously damage your ignorance,” and... a top tip for murderers... “When you bury a body cover it with endangered plants so it's illegal to dig them up!”

Have an enjoyable and productive week everyone.

Take care.

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