Costa Blanca News

Tight line fishing

- By Ian Brown

O N T uesday, A pril 1 6 we fished the six th round of the A bbey A ng ling spring cup at E l B osq uet complex in C rev illente.

A total of 2 2 ang lers turned out on what was a warm but windy day, which made long pole fishing ex tinct on most peg s.

W inner on the day, and I hav e lost count of the number of times I hav e said this, was Neil M cB ernie. D rawn on peg 4 0 he strug g led to catch on the pole so turned to the feeder rod and caug ht some decent carp for 2 1 .0 8 k ilog rammes.

I n second place from the unfancied peg eig ht was G ary P lant. G ary also used sev eral tactics of pole and feeder and caug ht lots of small carp for 1 8 .1 8 k g . In third was the current leader of the spring cup, B ob R obinson. B ob did manag e to fish the pole long from peg 1 5 , and using mag g ots shallow caug ht carp for 1 4 .8 4 k g .

T he rest of the complex fished pretty toug h with a couple of dry nets. T he best weig ht on the A 1 to sev en section was B ill C annon, who fished the feeder with mag g ots from peg B 1 and weig hed 14.84kg.

I am v ery sorry that I do not hav e the results for the W ednesday match. M eanwhile in the spring cup thing s are hotting up, and after B ob leading the way, Nick B astock is second and I am in third.

I would lik e to tak e this opportunit­y to remind ang lers that there is a match at E l B osq uet ev ery T uesday and W ednesday. W e do book peg s with the owners, and lately hav e been using peg s A 1 to 1 6 and 3 2 to 4 0 depending on numbers.

A lso, this complex only officially opens at 0 8 .0 0 , so it’s no use turning up at 0 7 .0 0 and settling down on a peg when a match has been book ed.

W e do whenev er possible try to accommodat­e pleasure ang lers, but with ov er 5 0 members in the club this is not always the case.

I am well aware that we do not own the complex but we certainly spend a lot more on peg fees than any other club or ang lers. W e also hav e the full support of the fishery manag ement.

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