Costa Blanca News

Should walking be a crime?


Email March 22 Well it is at the moment in Spain! So that makes me a criminal, liable to a fine or even imprisonme­nt!

You see, this morning I could not stand being under house arrest any longer and hiked up a nearby hillside to enjoy the feeling of freedom and being close to nature. I walked alone and saw only one dog walker; we briefly exchanged greetings but kept well apart. Now, I ask you, where is the harm in that?

Though short, the walk did me a power of good because being confined indoors and denied company has been making me depressed and I am sure it is badly affecting others. As a 70 year old with asthma, I am in a high-risk category and would not do anything unwise or dangerous to others, but it's not just dogs that need to walk, people do too!

A. Walker

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