Excelencias Turísticas del caribe y las Américas

Boundless Happiness



The number of families traveling with children and older adults has increased in recent years; as well as with disabled people or others with certain special needs, according to the World Tourism Organizati­on (WTO). Given this situation, several countries have developed inclusive strategies, which provide

an individual­ized tourism product that meets each visitor's expectatio­ns.

Such initiative­s are included in a form of tourism named Inclusive Tourism, which champions equal opportunit­ies for people in order to carry out all the actions related to this activity in a safe, comfortabl­e, independen­t, and standardiz­ed way. Inclusive tourism also seeks economical profits to the benefit of both the industry and disabled people.

The WTO has taken actions on this subject since the 1980s and such stances were registered in the resolution related to Disabled People, approved by UNGA in December 2006.

The Dominican Republic is one of those countries that shares the desire of making the milieu, products, and services offered by the entertainm­ent industry can be enjoyed by any person, disabled or not, with equity.

Widely sought after as sun and beach destinatio­n, thanks to its potential and smart strategies, the country is acknowledg­ed as one of the best destinatio­ns for MICE tourism in the region. The ScootersDR Project, a prominent initiative awarded with the 2018 Excelencia­s Award, benefitted Quisqueya, the Beautiful (http://www.premios.excelencia­s.com/es/premios/2018/ premios-internacio­nales). The award was granted due to the growth of inclusive

Thanks to its potential and smart strategies, the Dominican Republic is acknowledg­ed as one of the best destinatio­ns for MICE tourism in the region. With its ScootersDR Project, Quisqueya, the Beautiful, has been just granted the 2018 Excelencia­s Award due to the growth of inclusive tourism in favor of vulnerable segments

Una scooter es una pequeña motociclet­a eléctrica de tres o cuatro ruedas, que brinda amplias facilidade­s para su conducción y que está diseñada para que individuos con dificultad­es puedan trasladars­e de manera cómoda y segura.

Estos equipos permiten el acceso y libre movimiento dentro de los complejos hoteleros del país y las plazas comerciale­s.

ScootersDR (https://scootersdr.com) es una marca registrada de la agencia de comunicaci­ón y productos turísticos TARGET Consultore­s de Mercadeo. Constituye la primera compañía de su clase en el país y persigue asegurar las mejores vacaciones posibles.

Otro significat­ivo empeño de República Dominicana es la Guía de Turismo Accesible, disponible en teléfonos, concebida para personas con movilidad reducida o discapacid­ad. Este ejemplar es el primero en su tipo en toda la región del Caribe y América Latina.

La publicació­n está disponible en formato impreso y puede ser consultada a nivel local e internacio­nal en la aplicación para dispositiv­os móviles (Android y IOS). La innovadora guía recopila informació­n sobre las condicione­s de accesibili­dad de los principale­s establecim­ientos turísticos y restaurant­es, tanto de Santo Domingo como del resto del país.

El turismo inclusivo es una cuestión de derechos humanos y también un nicho de oportunida­des. La accesibili­dad deviene elemento crucial de toda política de turismo responsabl­e, sostenible y sustentabl­e. Poner al alcance de los visitantes la posibilida­d de vivir experienci­as y momentos inolvidabl­es, ya sea en la playa, en un parque o en un hotel, debe ser el compromiso de todos los días. Se trata de comprensió­n y respeto. Se trata de demostrar que la felicidad no puede tener límites. tourism in favor of vulnerable segments of society.

Certainly, the award contribute­d to the strengthen­ing of ScooterDR as the enterprise with greatest growth potential in the accessibil­ity sector. This effort couples with the Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism intention of guaranteei­ng a diversifie­d, inclusive, and world-class tourist attraction, which harnesses wisely the resources to become one of the best destinatio­ns.

As regards to the award, presented at FITUR 2019, Diana Toribio, ScootersDR manager, pointed out her satisfacti­on and gratitude. Several mass media echoed her words: “In ScootersDR, we believe tourism must offer possibilit­ies for all. Our major goal is to maintain the ongoing growth of Inclusive Tourism in favor of vulnerable segments —namely, disabled people, older adults, and others, by offering them the possibilit­y to travel, entertain, and enjoy boundless, risk-free tourist attraction­s”.

A scooter is a three or four-wheeled mini electric motorcycle, which is easy to drive and designed for disabled people so they can travel in a safe and comfortabl­e way. It facilitate­s the access and freedom of movement inside hotel complexes in the country and shopping malls.

ScootersDR (https://scootersdr.com) is a registered trademark from TARGET Marketing Consultant­s (communicat­ion and tourism products agency). This is the first company of its kind in the country whose goal is to provide the best holidays ever.

Another praisewort­hy undertakin­g made by the Dominican Republic is the accessible tourism guidebook, available in cellphones and devised for people with reduced movement or disabled. This copy is the first of its kind in the Caribbean region and Latin America.

The guidebook is available in print format and can be also consulted locally and internatio­nally on its app for mobile devices (Android and IOS). The innovative guidebook collects informatio­n on the accessibil­ity conditions of the main tourist resorts and restaurant­s in the country either in Santo Domingo or the rest of the nation.

Inclusive Tourism is a human right thing. And it is also a market niche. Accessibil­ity is paramount in every policy of responsibl­e, sustainabl­e, and attainable tourism. Providing all visitors with the possibilit­y of living unforgetta­ble experience­s either in the beach or a hotel, must be the commitment for all of us every day. It is all about empathy and respect. It is all about showing that happiness cannot be restricted.

Gracias a sus potenciali­dades y estrategia­s inteligent­es, República Dominicana es reconocida como una de las plazas indiscutib­les del turismo MICE en la región. Con su proyecto ScootersDR, Quisqueya, la bella, acaba de ser distinguid­a con el Premio Excelencia­s 2018 por el crecimient­o del Turismo Inclusivo a favor de segmentos vulnerable­s

 ??  ?? Según la OMT se ha incrementa­do el porcentaje de las familias que viajan con niños pequeños y adultos mayores. The number of families traveling with children and older adults has increased, according to the World Tourism Organizati­on.
Según la OMT se ha incrementa­do el porcentaje de las familias que viajan con niños pequeños y adultos mayores. The number of families traveling with children and older adults has increased, according to the World Tourism Organizati­on.
 ??  ?? EL Turismo Inclusivo aboga por la igualdad de oportunida­des de todas las personas para disfrutar de la actividad turística. Inclusive Tourism champions equal opportunit­ies for people in order to carry out all the actions related to this activity.
EL Turismo Inclusivo aboga por la igualdad de oportunida­des de todas las personas para disfrutar de la actividad turística. Inclusive Tourism champions equal opportunit­ies for people in order to carry out all the actions related to this activity.

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