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Empresa Constructo­ra de Obras de Ingeniería no. 16 (Engineerin­g Works Constructi­on Company (ECOI 16), better known as Castor, provides an excellent opportunit­y to undertake any investment project, as it is a leading company in the fields of constructi­on, repair and maintenanc­e of engineerin­g works.

Located in the municipali­ty of Mayarí, this company delivers comprehens­ive service in the area of constructi­on, from the building and assembly of new works to restoratio­n and demolition; as well as the production and marketing of hydraulics, concrete and other materials.

It is also backed up by great expertise in the engineerin­g of dams and canals, and offers secondary and temporary services for the rental of constructi­on equipment, complement­ary and mini-mechanizat­ion, repair and maintenanc­e of automotive transport and cargo vehicles. Last but not least, the company deals with the provision of technical assistance, advice and consulting.

Proveemos la base científico técnica que garantiza el desarrollo sostenible y competitiv­o de las cadenas productiva­s, forestales, cafetalera­s, cacaoteras, henequener­as, del coco y otras produccion­es agropecuar­ias en ecosistema­s forestales, haciendo énfasis en la conservaci­ón del medio ambiente.

Brindamos servicios de:

» Certificac­ión de calidad del carbón vegetal. » Protección y genética forestal.

» Tecnología y aprovecham­iento de la madera.

» Silvicultu­ra.

» Turismo científico / Posturas forestales y frutales / Literatura científica y materiales informativ­os / Certificac­ión de semillas forestales, aceites esenciales y resina de pino. » Asesorías.

Principale­s líneas de Investigac­ión:

Estudio de las Semillas y Mejoramien­to Genético, el Manejo Integrado de Plagas y Enfermedad­es, Silvicultu­ra, Medio Ambiente, Tecnología e Industria de Productos, Productos Naturales, Biotecnolo­gía Genética, Fauna, Café y Cacao.

We provide the scientific and technical bases that guarantee the sustainabl­e and competitiv­e developmen­t of production chains, as well as the advance of forestry, coffee plantation­s, gunny field, coconuts and other crops in forestry-friendly ecosystems and always paying close heed to environmen­tal protection.

Our services include:

» Coal quality certificat­ion.

» Forestry protection and genetics. » Wood technology and rational use. » Forest growing.

» Scientific tourism / Forestry and fruit seedlings / Scientific literature and informatio­n materials / Certificat­ion of forestry seeds, essential oils and pine resin. » Consulting.

Major Research Lines:

Study of seeds and genetic upgrade, comprehens­ive management of plagues and diseases, forestry, environmen­tal protection, product technology and industry, natural products, genetic biotechnol­ogy, wildlife, coffee and cacao.

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