Historia y Vida

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STERN, A. M., REILLY, M. B., CETRON, M. S. Y MARKEL, H. “Better off in school: School medical inspection as a public health strategy during the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic in the United States”. Public Health Reports (Washington, D. C., 2010), n.º 125 (supl. 3), pp. 63-70. En inglés.

TOMES, N. “Destroyer and teacher: Managing the masses during the 19181919 influenza pandemic”. Public Health Reports (Washington, D. C., 2010), n.º 125 (supl. 3), pp. 48-62. En inglés.


OSHINSKY, D. Polio: An American Story. Londres: Oxford University Press, 2005. En inglés.

PORTER, ROY. The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity. Nueva York: W. W. Norton, 1999. En inglés.

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