Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Suu Kyi draws crowds on Burmese election campaign trail

- -BBC

Burma's pro-democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, is visiting the coastal town of Dawei on a political tour ahead of by-elections on 1 April.

It is the first time she has ventured outside Rangoon for several months. The visit is seen as a test of how freely she and her par ty are able to campaign.

Thousands gathered to see the 66-year-old Nobel peace prize winner, who was released from house arrest in 2010.

Burma's militar y-backed government has embarked on a cautious reform process.

Aung San Suu Kyi's par ty, the National League for Democracy (NLD) is contesting all the available constituen­cies in the coming by-elections.

She herself is seeking office in the r ural township of Kawhmu.

An NLD spokesman told the BBC Ms Suu Kyi's visit to Dawei was intended to help organise the local par ty ahead of the elections.

However, this is much more than just an administra­tive trip, says the BBC'S Southeast Asia correspond­ent, Rachel Har vey.

Wherever Ms Suu Kyi goes, crowds gather, hoping to catch a glimpse of the woman who was kept under house arrest for 15 of the last 23 years.

In Dawei they stood by the road chanting: "Long live Aung San Suu Kyi."

AFP news agency quoted her as telling suppor ters: "If we move in the right direction our countr y will have many oppor tunities. We are eager to seize them."

The Burmese government is planning to build a huge industrial complex in Dawei, which could transform the region.

Earlier this month the authoritie­s cancelled plans for a coal-fired power plant there because of environmen­tal concerns.

This was widely seen as a victor y for local activists and a sign that the process of reform is developing, says our correspond­ent.

The poll in April will be the first time that Ms Suu Kyi will par ticipate directly in an election. She was under house arrest in 1990 when the NLD won the election by a landslide. It was not allowed to take power.

The NLD boycotted the 2010 election that saw the militar y-backed civilian administra­tion of President Thein Sein replace the militar y junta.

The new administra­tion has since entered into dialogue with Ms Suu Kyi and has changed the electoral laws that led to the NLD boycott.

 ??  ?? Crowds gather wherever Aung San Suu Kyi goes-bbc
Crowds gather wherever Aung San Suu Kyi goes-bbc
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