Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Russia opposes 'Libyan scenario' in Syria and will block resolution


Russia will not bargain with the West over the fresh draft resolution on Syria, says Russia’s deputy foreign minister. The draft in its current form ignores the Russian position and therefore, has no chance of being accepted, Gennady Gatilov said.

"It is not part of our political practice to trade our principles," Gatilov said on Monday as cited by Interfax. "We don't bargain, but seek considerat­ion for our positions and our vision, which are based on our knowledge of regional realities and our historical experience.”

"Russia can only sup- port the resolution if it fixes Russia's principled approaches, which I have mentioned and which are shared by many other countries," he added.

On Tuesday, the UNSC will hear the Arab League's report on the findings of its recent mission to monitor the ruling regime's response to the popular uprising in Syria. France and the UK are pushing for the adoption of a new resolution drafted by Morocco. The resolution would back the Arab League's plan for the transition of power in Syria from President Assad to a unity government.

Russia resists a swift vote on this, saying it wants to study the Arab League's report in detail before taking any step. Moscow has vetoed a previous UN resolution on Syria, citing its ambiguous language that could provide for a foreign interventi­on, and contemplat­es banning the new one. The UN estimates over 5,400 people have been killed in Syria since the popular uprising against the regime broke out ten months ago. Assad says he is fighting an armed foreign insurgency and bears heavy troop losses.

(Russia Today)

 ??  ?? Syrian government supporters wave national flags they stand in a fountain in front of a portrait of President Bashar al-assad during a pro-regime rally in Damascus (AFP Photo)
Syrian government supporters wave national flags they stand in a fountain in front of a portrait of President Bashar al-assad during a pro-regime rally in Damascus (AFP Photo)

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