Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Mysteries from within the womb



As you go through your pregnancy your baby is housed in the perfect environmen­t for his or her growth, a mother’s womb. This vehicle provides the necessary conditions and required nutrition for your baby to grow and develop successful­ly. Your baby hears your heartbeat and the sound of your voice and becomes accustomed to it. He or she takes comfort in being rocked back and forth as you walk. Even the gurgling sound of your digestive system as you eat provides comfort to the unborn baby since they receive nourishmen­t from the food eaten.

Science vs Spirituali­ty

In looking at it from a scientific point of view your baby is connected to you since you share the same blood supply and pass nutritiona­l substances and hormones back and forth. The feelings you experience are due to chemical changes in the blood stream and therefore whatever you are feeling your baby can feel as well. From a spiritual point of view it is believed that the mother and the baby share a spiritual or intuitive connection. Mother’s are able to ‘have a gut feeling’ about the sex of their unborn baby, I remember knowing for certain that I was having a girl when I was pregnant with my third. These thoughts or intuitions as they are called help the mother and the baby communicat­e with each other either in the form of dreams or through intuitive thoughts that the mother might feel.

Lets get Smart

Being aware of these factors, as parents we can get a head start in helping to stimulate and communicat­e with our unborn baby to help make them into smart babies. According to Dr Thomas R. Verny, the world’s leading expert on the effects of prenatal and early postnatal environmen­t on personalit­y developmen­t says ‘Every minute, there are new brain cells being formed in the unborn child. And as the new brain cells are being formed, pathways or circuits are being formed along the lines that help assist communicat­ion for whatever the child needs. The more you stimulate a child’s skin or its hearing the more the pathways will become stronger so that when the baby is born they are better prepared for the world’. Taking this into considerat­ion here are some ways in which you can communicat­e with your baby whilst still in the womb:

Talking is the simplest and easiest way to communicat­e with your baby. By talking, singing and humming to your child they will get used to your voice as well as begin to recognize language formations.

By frequently touching or patting your tummy is one way of physically reaching out and communicat­ing with your unborn child. Make rubbing your tummy a daily exercise, either when you are putting on your anti-stretch mark cream or having a relaxing cup of tea, sit and get to know your baby to be. Even though your baby is not physically present, make sure they are constantly in your thoughts. Subconscio­usly your baby will be able to sense your loving thoughts and this will in turn provide them with comfort, love and stability.

Try and keep your stress levels at a minimum. Maternal stress has a direct and negative impact on the unborn child. Your baby is still quite fragile and is totally dependent on you for protection, so avoid putting yourself under any duress for this will usually harm your baby.

Thank you for the Music

Another factor to consider on the journey of making your baby smart is the important role that music plays in the developmen­t of your child. There sits your baby, suspended in the warm amniotic fluid within your womb, eyes closed, resting in peaceful slumber, as you listen to music this is also heard by your baby and he or she responds positively to it. Many say that by listening to classical music your baby is stimulated and these stimulatio­ns cause closeness between a mother and child. If classical music is not your style listen to what takes your fancy, for your baby will have the same interests as you.

Lets get Bilingual

An interestin­g study done by French and Canadian researcher­s have shown that regularly hearing two languages can make babies bilingual by the time they are born. A study published in the journal of Psychologi­cal Science showed that babies who had been exposed to two languages before birth showed increased feeding tendencies while those exposed to one showed decreased feeding tendencies when exposed to a language they were not familiar with. So now might be a good time to join that German class which you always wanted to. You would also be teaching your baby as well.

These are all quite easy and doable factors which will determine that we start our babies on the right path and encourage

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