Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



I must admit I do have Pizza Hut on speed dial. They are quick, easy and my children squeal with joy when I just mention their name. But since one of my Parenting resolution­s this year was to make my children eat healthier I must put down the phone and head on back to the kitchen to give a stab at making my own pizzas. Now ladies don’t groan silently to yourselves, we are not doing the back breaking chore of making our own dough etc. This is my easy peasy version of making your own homemade pizzas. Enjoy.


A packet of ready made pizza dough bases, can be found at any Food city or Arpico

Tomato Paste


Fresh Parsley, oregano can use dried herbs if fresh cannot be found Six big Tomatoes


Mozzarella Cheese

Topping of your choice




Corn Tinned tuna

Boiled and shredded chicken First of all start with making the sauce for the base. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to a pan and add the garlic. Once the garlic has turned golden brown than add your chopped tomatoes, stir fry for a few seconds and start adding your seasoning, salt and pepper. You can also add some dried crushed chilli flakes if you like your sauce spicy. Stir in a tablespoon of tomato paste to the tomatoes mixture and also add some sugar. Sugar helps bring out the flavour of the tomatoes and is a good accompanim­ent. Pour in a cup of water and let the mixture boil down. If you like your sauce smooth and lump free like my children do you can puree the mixture and sieve it. Otherwise just leave as and now start assembling your pizzas. Take the ready made bases and place on a baking tray. Pour a tablespoon of your homemade sauce and spread evenly on the bases. Now you can start putting the topping of your choice. Some of our favourite toppings in our house are: Shredded cheddar cheese and gouda, topped with mozzarella, a cheesy delight.

Cubes of ham and pineapple Sausages stir-fried with onions

Spicy tuna pan fried

Chicken and sweet corn Once you have added your preferred topping then generously cover with thick slices of mozzarella cheese which once melted will encase your pizza in gooey cheesy delight. Place the pizzas in a warm oven at 220 degrees for ten to fifteen minutes, keep an eye on them incase they get over done. And there you go throw out those pizza hut menus Mums and enjoy the ones made at home. You can also get the kids to help you make the pizzas, since I’ve always found that the food they make they tend to eat so therefore another battle of ‘eat your food’ avoided.

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