Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



Whatever the outcome of the Sunday’s match between Sri Lanka and Australia, Sri Lankan team has already made its mark with the Friday’s heroics, which sent the world champions home. The victory comes at a time when despairs of Geneva and skyrocketi­ng cost of living haunt the daily lives of the islanders, whose yearning for a dose of comfort could of course be easily appeased with a match victory. Hence, Sri Lankan team did it again!

On the other hand, Geneva does not bring happy news apart from the fact that many nations have pledged support for Sri Lanka against the resolution to be brought in by the US. No doubt, it is encouragin­g to know we are not alone. Yet, one cannot help but concede that had Sri Lanka fulfilled its duty towards the citizenry in the war-ravaged North, begging at the diplomatic level would not have been necessary. Thus, whatever the repercussi­ons Sri Lanka is suffering at the hands of the UNHRC and its rigid actions are more to do with the fact that the island nation lacked prompt action when it comes to looking at the grievances of the people in the North. Their lethargy has been constantly questioned, if not criticized. It was this same indolence that provided fodder for unrest that was created by the PRO-LTTE sects of the Diaspora. If they are attempting a revival of the terror outfit and restore it to the initial role of the so-called ‘liberator’ of the Tamil people, it is clear that, the liberation people had been looking for, had not been granted. The danger it poses the entire nation is that, despite the war victory and peace brought in by the government, the people might find it fit to shift their loyalties after a long wait. They had been cheated by the Tigers once before and they cannot afford to be cheated again by the government. After all, we have been a nation, cheated over and again by the powers that be. At least, those who are recovering from the cankers of war should be spared.

The example Mahela and his men set on Friday with the strong comeback after the disgracefu­l defeat against India on Tuesday is that, criticism should be busted with prompt and effective action. Thus, he showed the country’s political high heads that safeguardi­ng the country’s honour is not a work of the leadership alone, but that of the team. If he could bring together a team that was rumoured to be one with many cracks and lead it to the ultimate helm of qualifying for the finals, the same should be done by the political leadership, which in fact has become the need of the hour.

Whether Brisbane and Geneva would bring happy news or sad news, is something only time will tell. Between the two cities lies a nation that awaits missives from the both ends. After all, the occurrence­s of the past few weeks go to show that, even though, geographic­ally Sri Lanka is an island, in every other sense it cannot be one anymore.

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