Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



“She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes…

She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes…

She'll be wearing silk pyjamas when she comes…” Sang Nilhan in the shower. Nilhan had no particular reason to sing and be happy. It was just another day and he had to follow the routine. But Nilhan had woken up to find the sun streaming into his bedroom! He had walked barefoot to the window and looked up at the blue sky above. Nilhan had felt a surge of energy and had burst into song.

“Such a feeling's coming over me…There is wonder in ‘most everything I see… Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eye… And I won't be surprised if it's a dream…” He was still singing when he came out of the shower.

Nilhan was divorced and he lived alone and there were times when he felt lonely but today was not one of those days.

He fried bacon and eggs for breakfast and toasted bread, lavishly spreading butter. “I won't think of Cholestero­l. At least, not today.

I want to tuck in and wash it all down with a nice big cup of ‘café au lait' or milk coffee. I am going to put two teaspoons of sugar into the coffee instead of my usual one spoon,”he told himself with a smile.

Nilhan worked as a business consultant and he dressed carefully in shirt and tie. “I think I'll wear the striped College tie today. I feel as sprightly as a schoolboy at the moment,”and he smiled at his reflection in the mirror. The mirror reflected a fifty year old tall man with a cleft chin and a trim body.

Let’s enjoy the day like Nilhan!

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