Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

The email pitfalls all of us should avoid


Ever rushed an email to a colleague or client without thinking? Well it might be time to take little more care before clicking ‘send’. Spelling or grammatica­l errors in the message can leave a lasting negative impression, research has found. Two-thirds of people say that they regard simple mistakes as ‘shoddy’ and would ‘have no faith’ in the sender. And next time you head off on holiday, don’t forget to leave an out of office email, or you could return to some angry inbox messages. The report, by Staples UK, found that taking time over an ‘Out of Office’ email over the summer holidays and Olympic period can have a positive effect on relationsh­ips with colleagues, clients and suppliers.

Worryingly 58 per cent of office workers said they felt irritated and wouldn't do business with people who took annual leave and failed to leave any ‘Out of Office' message at all as it showed a lack of profession­alism and care.

But the research reveals there is a way that absence can help a business when it comes to emails. Amee Chande, managing director of Staples UK, said: ‘People read out of office more often than you think.

‘Beyond the basics, why not take the opportunit­y to communicat­e your own personalit­y or that of your company by being creative, humorous and thoughtful.

‘Tell them, for example, if you're taking a well-earned day off to go and see the Olympics, that you'll get back to them faster than Usain Bolt on your return. ‘Or if you're on paternity leave, perhaps make note that you've been left holding the baby. As long as you remember to include an alternativ­e contact and the date you'll be back in the office, your clients and colleagues will appreciate that everyone is entitled to time off.'

The survey also found that 46 per cent of UK businessme­n and women named rude or abrupt Out of Office message as one of the biggest workplace irritation­s.

Despite the obvious need to keep clients and co-workers informed and happy, a majority of companies have no policy on Out of Office emails, with 52 per cent of business workers left to their own devices and 18 per cent never bothering to use the option at all.


 ??  ?? Next time you head off on holiday make sure you leave an out of office email
Next time you head off on holiday make sure you leave an out of office email
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