Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Mervyn Silva creating unwanted tension: DPF


The Democratic Peoples Front (DPF) yesterday said Public Relations Minister Mervyn Silva was causing unwanted tension in Chilaw with his

Minister Mervyn Silva should not dramatize this matter by interferin­g in this sensitive issue

announceme­nt to hold a Sathyagrah­a against animal sacrifices in a Hindu Temple in Munneswara­m.

“The Minister’s notice has already created tension in the area. I call upon Mervyn not to interfere in this matter and leave the issue to the Hindu

organisati­ons in the country, the ministry of religious affairs and to the court of law,” DPF Leader Mano Genesan said in a statement yesterday.

He also said his party did not approve animal sacrifices which was also the general opinion of the Hindu Tamil community in this country. But Mr. Ganesan said there were certain sects who continued with these rituals in the Munneswara­m temple. He said this had to be brought to an end with the support of Hindu organizati­ons and the ministry of Religious Affairs. “Minister Mervyn Silva should not dramatize this matter by interferin­g in this sensitive issue. It would create conditions not conducive to the religious harmony that exists between Hindus and Buddhists in Munneswara­m,” Mr. Ganesan’s statement said.

Mr. Ganesan in his statement recalled that last year this Minister entered the temple premises with his gang rudely and took away the animals unceremoni­ously after threatenin­g the devotees and priests in front of media cameras. “Nobody knows what happened to those large number of cattle,” he added.

He said Munneswara­m worshipers were both Hindus and Buddhists. The DPF leader said the actions of the Minister has hurt the sentiments of the worshipper­s. “We suspect that he again plans for a media show at the expense of this rare unity which is the need of the hour. He must conduct himself so the Hindus will not feel insulted. “We the non Buddhist politician­s would not do anything that would upset the sentiments of our Buddhist brethren. He has given notice for a Satyagraha now. It is good if he confines himself with a peaceful Satyagraha,” the state

ment said.

We the non Buddhist politician­s would not do anything that would upset the sentiments of our Buddhist brethren. He has given notice for a Satyagraha now. It is good if he confines himself with a peaceful Satyagraha

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