Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Sailing in the ocean of words

Navy Commander anchors at Nelum Pokuna to launch lyrics collection, CDs

- By Ramesh Uvais

At a time when commercial­isation has virtually reduced men of letters and spirit to mere peddlers of words, Navy Commander Vice Admiral Somathilak­a Dissanayak­e has always kept his poetic sensitiven­ess alive.

Born and brought up in a rural village, he has led an adventurou­s life as the youngest child in a family of eight.

“Ever since I was a kid, I had a vivid imaginatio­n which would even continue in my dreams. So I had this habit of penning down my thoughts in poetic language. I was inspired by my brother who was a fine poet, but sadly most of my family members did not realise my poetic talents compelling me to keep them within myself," he said.In an adventurou­s career spanning more than 35 years in the Navy, today he has risen to the helm as Navy Commander, but his love for words and writing has not diminished a bit.

The Navy Chief will launch his muchhyped lyrics and poetic collection ‘Sindupathi Kaw Gee’ and two CDs ‘Ira Handa Pamanai’ and ‘Harshanata Liyu Gee’ comprising popualr songs penned by him at the Nelum Pokuna Mahinda Rajapaksa Performing Arts Theatre on September 13 at 6.30 pm, with none other than President Mahinda Rajapaksa and First Lady Shiranthi Rajapaksa as the Chief Guests.

Thursday’s Nelum Pokuna event will be spiced with songs, dance and variety items by the Sri Lanka Navy band, the Abhina Performing Arts Academy and students of Narammala Mayurapada Maha Vidyalaya. The music orchestrat­ion will be handled by Rohana Weerasingh­e. Prof. Sunil Ariyaratne will deliver the keynote address while several popular singers including Victor Rathnayake, Rohana Weerasingh­e, Edward Jayakody, Sunil Edirisingh­e, Rohana Beddage, Bandula Wijeweera, Deepika Priyadarsh­ani, Charitha Priyadarsh­ani and many more will entertain the audience.

“There are people who can write but not many could find the right words to convey the right feelings that well up in their minds. Thatnks to my rural back- ground and exposure to poetry in my family I feel I am able to convey feelings through my words, and that’s what has reflected in my poems and lyrics. I have not written anything with the hope of making money. Even the motive of this launch is not intended to make any commercial or monetray gain. I feel that a little child lives in every man or woman, and it is this pure feelings of this child that have been transforme­d into words by me,” the Navy Commander told Impulse

He has penned songs for several popular singers in the country, but most of the popular hits came through the vocals of his nephew Visharada Harshana Dissanayak­e. Among them were songs like Aththamma Niwan Gihin, Pichcha Kekulu Mal Malaya, Wakkada Langa Thiththa Petaw and others.

“I used to sing at functions but I have no idea of being known as a singer. Writing is my passion. On the other hand I am the only one in my family who can’t play an instrument however much I tried. Whenever I return from abroad I present harmoniums to my family members with the hope that such merirotius deeds would help me become a good Visharada in music in the my next birth,” he said adding that his wife Nilu, children Madu and Ruwanara could also sing well.

“I am grateful to President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa for giving their blessing and approval to go ahead with this book launch while serving as Navy Commander. I am also thankful to my brother Somarathna Dissanayak­e, Prof. Sunil Ariyaratne, Fast Ads Chief Prem Dissanayak­e, Commander Kosala Warnakulas­ooriya and all who dedicated themselves to make this event a reality,” he said.

This adventurou­s career has been a tireseome one and I am looking forward to relaxed phase after my retirement.

Navy Commander Vice Admiral Somathilak­a Dissanayak­e believes that money can’t buy this kind of happiness and feeling of being content what writing has brought him right through his life.

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