Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Syria : Government and rebels 'agree ceasefire'

- (©Daily Mail, London).

The Syrian government has agreed to abide by a ceasefire during the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha in its bloody battle against rebels, according to the UN’s envoy to the country.

Lakhdar Brahimi said most opposition factions had also said they would observe any ceasefire for the four days of Eid.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry stressed that the halt of military operations during Eid al-Adha is still 'being studied' by the General Command of the Army and the Syrian armed forces, and that 'the final position on this matter will be issued on Thursday.'

Mr Brahimi said he hoped to use any lull in fighting over Eid, which starts tomorrow, to ‘discuss a longer and more effective ceasefire’.

General Mustafa al-Sheikh, head of the rebel Free Syrian Army’s military council, said any ceasefire would be re-

Most opposition factions had also said they would observe any ceasefire for the four days of Eid

ciprocated, but warned that President Bashar alAssad’s government had ‘lied many times before’. The announceme­nt came as government forces intensifie­d airstrikes on rebel-held area near the besieged city of Aleppo.

The airstrikes hit the village of Mar Shureen near a strategic rebel-held town in the country's north, killing five members of an extended family.

 ??  ?? The UN envoy to Syria say forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad will abide by the ceasefire for Eid, although the army says a decision has yet to be made
The UN envoy to Syria say forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad will abide by the ceasefire for Eid, although the army says a decision has yet to be made

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