Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

22 dead in Indian floods, 60,000 displaced


Downpours triggered by a cyclone that hit the coast last Wednesday near Chennai left hundreds of villages inundated and 60,000 people in relief camps The unseasonal rainfall has destroyed our crops and our entire field is submerged in water

HYDERABAD, India, Nov 5, 2012 (AFP) - Torrential rains in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh have killed at least 22 people and displaced tens of thousands of villagers over the past week, an official said Monday.

Downpours triggered by a cyclone that hit the coast last Wednesday near Chennai left hundreds of villages inundated and 60,000 people in relief camps, Karikal Valaven, a government officer overseeing emergency operations, said.

“At least 22 people have died and thousands have lost their houses. The rains have damaged all the standing crops in the coastal region,” he told AFP.

“The unseasonal rainfall has destroyed our crops and our entire field is submerged in water,” Arku Rajaipa, a farmer in Guntur district, one of the worst-affected regions, told a local TV news channel.

“We will have to depend on the government for food the whole year.”

Cyclone Nilam struck 50 kilometres (30 miles) south of Chennai last week in the neighbouri­ng state of Tamil Nadu before moving inland, killing at least 10 people.

The Andhra Pradesh state government said in a statement that it had handed out 100,000 food packets.

Authoritie­s on Monday said many villages had been cut off for days.

“The biggest task is to establish contact with 130 villages. They are safe but have suffered big losses as all their rice crop has been destroyed,” Valaven said.

Trains were suspended from the coastal cities of Visakhapat­nam and Vijaywada, a major transit route in the region.The meteorolog­ical office has forecast more rain, and people from low-lying areas have been advised to head to shelters.

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 ??  ?? A cyclone hit parts of Andhra Pradesh last week
A cyclone hit parts of Andhra Pradesh last week

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