Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



What are the factors that you look into when buying a new house? Easy access, electricit­y, water are just some of the basics that many of us look into when purchasing a new house. But have you ever pondered upon why many people opt to sell their houses. The most common reason is because the owners are migrating but, have you heard of interestin­g yet spine chilling stories? No, you haven't because nobody is going to tell you that they are selling their house because it is haunted!

David and his family had been scouting the area for a house and they had finally found one that suits their needs. Deeds were signed and all arrangemen­ts were made for David's family to move in.

While cleaning up the house before they officially moved in, the family noticed that some form of traditiona­l ritual had taken place. Brushing it off as a sign of goodwill by the previous owner, the family continued in their efforts to make their new house spick and span.

Once they had officially moved in they had no issues at all and life went on. The family members carried on their daily duties and everything seemed fine.

Something however did not seem right in David's room but he didn't speak about it to anyone. But one day things just got too real. David had come back after work, had dinner and was lying in bed enjoying a fantastic book he had got his hands on.

A few pages into the book David could hear somebody whispering in his ear but he could not make out the words. The room seemed chillier than usual and there was some sense of

eeriness to it. The family did not stay long in the house. They sold it and the whispers continue to haunt the old


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