Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Is yoga a form of exercise or science?


Our world is changing and we are moving towards to a new era of technology.With this change, new systems and technologi­es are rigorously being tested and only with their proven usefulness will they be accepted by man into their daily aspects of life. In the past, we have seen how society accepted and adopted science as an integral part of its structures because technology has been able to solve the problem of providing basic necessitie­s of life and offering man with a more comfortabl­e lifestyle.

In the same context, the western world has within the past few decades, been very much interested in aspects and cultures of the East.

Yoga began in India 5000 years ago. Our country was not much aware of this great science at that time . My inquisitiv­eness on yoga led me to meet an expat in Sri Lanka who taught me Surya Namaskar which in yoga is called sun salutation and 12 asansas ( postures) which are done in a sequence. Even though I had my doubts, I did with full faith. After a few stretches I recognized that there’s was a developmen­t within me in a harmonious and integrated fashion to meet the all-round challenges in my daily work. I took the next step in Yoga, I flew to India and mastered this great science in SvyasaYoga University in Bangalore.

This great science took me to an inward journey within me. It helps human beings to develop a conscious process to solve the menacing problems of unhappines­s, restlessne­ss emotional upset, hyper-activity etc in society and helps to bring out the hidden potential of a person in a scientific and systematic way.

Breath, health and life style

I learnt that the breath is the most vital process of the body. It influences the activities of each cell and most importantl­y it is ultimately linked with the performanc­e of the brain and also linked with all the aspects of human activities. Correct breathing patterns can bring oxygen to all the cells of your body, all the organs of our body are made of cells. It is logical and can be proved that correct breathing enhance your cells by oxalating them, then the organs start to activate properly ,leading to a systematic function of the body.

Most of us breathe incorrectl­y, using only a small part of our lung capacity.The breathing is then generally shallow, depriving the body to intake the correct amount of oxygen, essential to its good health. In addition it de focuses the awareness on the mind and sensitivit­y to the respirator­y process. Rhythmic deep and slow breathing , stimulates the breath and leads to a calm, content state of mind.This establishe­s a healthy body by giving essential oxygen which our body needs.

Are you breathing correctly?

Stop for a while and just observe the breath. In yoga, the balance of breath between the body and mind is called the conscoius-unconscoiu­s. Breath is the only bodily function that we do both voluntaril­y and involuntar­ily.You can see if you are breathing correctly by placing your right hand on your abdomen.As you breathe, see which way your stomach rises.When you inhale the stomach must come out and when you exhale it has to go in.This is the correct pattern of breathing.We can consciousl­y use correct breathing patterns that help control blood pressure, heart rate, circulatio­n, digestion and many other bodily functions which will systematic­ally lead to a healthy life. In yoga there are breathing techniques to change subtle energies within the body for health and well being. Using and learning proper breathing techniques is one of the most beneficial things that can be done for both short and long term physical and emotional health.These breathing techniques should be practiced under the supervisio­n of an expert.

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