Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Message from Swami Sarvarupan­anda,Vice Chairman of Ramakrishn­a Mission


As we step into the 65th year of our emancipati­on from foreign domination­s, let us all pray to the Lord who dispenses all our happiness and sorrow to shower His choicest blessing on Sri Lankans and to the whole humanity at large, so that we all live in peace, harmony, happiness and prosperity.

Also let us look back on the ideals and aspiration­s of our beloved forefather­s who strove hard to build up a united, prosperous and peaceful Sri Lanka. On this day let us pledge to work hard to resist all evil forces tending to weaken the economical­ly, morally and spirituall­y, and give our best to the nation on its onward march.

May we re-dedicate ourselves and resolve to make those ideals and aspiration­s a reality.

It is also our duty on this special day to pay our homage to all the past leaders of the nation, who dedicated their lives for the developmen­t of the nation.

I quote the convocatio­n address given by the Guru to his students, after the completion of their education, before leaving from the Gurukula system of education.

May the Lord protect us both, may the Lord nourish us both, we both, work together with great energy. May

May the Lord protect us both, may the Lord nourish us both, we both, work together with great energy. May our study vigorous and fruitful in our daily life, and the love and harmony dwell amongst us

our study vigorous and fruitful in our daily life, and the love and harmony dwell amongst us.

He also blesses and instructs them, how to conduct their day to day activities in a community living. “By the grace of the Lord, always Common be your prayers Common be the mind, and be united in your thoughts Common be your councils, and be united in your assembly Common be your accords and be united in your hearts, Common be your aims and your deliberati­ons, so that, you all live together in peace, prosperity and happiness.” One should grow in four dimensions that is 1. Physical dimension, 2. Mental dimension, 3. Intellectu­al dimension and 4. Spiritual dimension. The flowering of personalit­y and ones satisfacti­on and contentmen­t towards excellence depends upon the balanced developmen­t of the body, mind, Intellect and the heart.“Religion is the idea, which raising brute unto man, and man unto God.” said Swami Vivekanand­a.

If we believe in God that is the centre of all religions, and that each of us is moving towards him along one of these radii, then it is certain that all of us must reach that centre And at the centre, where all the radii meet, all our difference­s will cease.

On this 65th Independen­ce Day Celebratio­n, I pray the Lord to shower his choicest blessing on the President, Prime Minister, Minister and all the others who are working for the Country’s onward march in every spheres of the Nation’s developmen­t and peace.

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