Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Message of His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith Archbishpo of Colombo


Regrettabl­y, in the past 65 years not everything has been rosy. There indeed have been many dark patches in this historic journey. Racial, religious and political intoleranc­e had caused bloodshed, violence and the creation of a divisive mentality among the people of this country. Even after 30 years of war and misguided political ideologies and their resultant terror events in the North as well as in the South, there still are people who boastfully claim that this country belongs only to them and not to the others.

There is still an underlined sense of suspicion between the Sinhala and Tamil races of this country and now it is shown to spread even against our Muslim brethren

There is still an underlined sense of suspicion between the Sinhala and Tamil races of this country and now it is shown to spread even against our Muslim brethren. There is a nagging sense of insecurity in the hearts of people, which can erupt once again into violence and yet another unending conflict. Three years after the terrible war still, we do not see a sincere attempt being made to win over the minds and hearts of the people in the North, who are longing for a time in which they can administer their own areas without being centrally controlled by men in uniform. They are longing to enjoy the freedom to administer themselves. The monstrosit­y of the ill effects of mono-culturalis­m are haunting us still. Besides there is also a nervous feeling of insecurity stemming from certain political initiative­s which seem to threaten the democratic institutio­ns of this country. All of this could lead to yet another wave of instabilit­y and the loss of that hard won freedom. What we need to do is to strive to be faithful to the principles of justice, equality and the respect for unity in diversity as well as commitment to true peace and prosperity for all, without being partial to our own community, whatever that be.

I therefore, call upon all our beloved citizens to work hard to overcome all divisive and authoritar­ian and anti democratic urges that often tempt and taunt us and to reach out to everyone in true fraternity in order to consolidat­e this freedom and to ensure that we never fall back again into slavery and the dominion of others or of our own egoisms.

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