Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Rugby Tug-o-war between Schools and SLSRFR


The on-going controvers­y of the Under 20 interschoo­ls rugby season has now turned out to be a tug-o-war between the schools authoritie­s and the Sri Lanka Society of Rugby Football Referees (SLSRFR) which has put the Sri Lanka Schools Rugby Football Associatio­n (SLSRFA) in a spot of bother.

In the decision taken by the SLSRFR who are adamant that they would not officiate in any matches involving St Joseph’s, Dharmaraja and Isipathana for which they are demanding that it could be played minus spectators, the school authoritie­s were completely against it.

The SLSRFA had no option but to postpone the remaining matches after the some of the school authoritie­s refused to play their matches minus spectators.

The decision was taken by the school authoritie­s after a meeting was held yesterday morning which was conveyed to the SLSRFA. According to reliable sources the school authoritie­s had assured that adequate security will be in place.

They had also assured that as host schools that every precaution will be taken to conduct the game incident free with extra attention for the safety of the players and the referees.

However the SLSRFR was adamant and unwilling to compromise on the assurance given by the schools of offering maximum security which was stated in a statement by Orville Fernando the president of the SLSRFR.

According to sources a meeting which was scheduled to be held yesterday evening with the Sports Minister too failed to materialis­e. He further added that if the referees refuse to officiate or compromise they would stop the tournament and most probably declare the leaders in the three divisions as champions.

For the moment the tournament has been indefinite­ly postponed and there will be no matches taking place until further notice.

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