Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

White is right, the delusion of white lies


The Daily Mirror in its Editorial yesterday and on several other occasions spotlighte­d the subtle and sophistica­ted strategies through which rich and powerful countries are continuing to plunder the remaining wealth and resources of third world countries like Sri Lanka.

Earlier the imperial colonial powers did it through their military forces and battleship­s. Now they are doing it through what is known as economic neo-colonialis­m and the armies for these strategic operations comprise mainly the multi-million dollar trans-national corporatio­ns (TNCs).

The TNCs are operating in vital areas such as health, food and milk, agricultur­e and industries. On Thursday a widelyview­ed internatio­nal TV channel focused on how some TNCs were promoting the “white is right and white is might” misconcept­ion literally and otherwise. The TNCs are making billions of dollars annually by encouragin­g or hoodwinkin­g hundreds of millions of people in third world countries, mainly India and Nigeria to make their black or brown skin white. For this purpose they are told to buy many creams, lotions and other substances, some of which are now found to be acidic or toxic.

While the TNCs are taking advantage of the centuries long dilution that white people are more civilised than black or brown skin people, millions in the third world also suffer from some misconcept­ion that being black or brown skin is a curse or a negative factor that needs to change even at a high cost or sometimes at a risk of some major disease.

This epidemic of white is right or white is beautiful appears to have hit the younger generation­s in Sri Lanka also. On August 6 the Daily Mirror featured an article headlined "Whitening Creams; Check before using them”. It was another case of what the enlightene­d Reggie Siriwarden­a described as “pompous artifacts of colonised generation­s”. It may be only skin deep or have only face value but there are undercurre­nts of the rich white world’s continuing agenda for domination and plunder and the third world’s shocking and shameful slavery to white ways and values despite clearcut evidence that the west to a large degree is hypocritic­al, self-righteous and deceptive. The Daily Mirror article said, a study by researcher­s Chalani Rubesinghe and Hemantha Withanage had conclusive­ly proven that some of the whitening creams found in the local market, including both foreign and local products contained mercury, which is a toxic element for people. We as the people of a country in the tropical belt have more Melanin than European and other people who are fair in complexion. Melanin is a skindarken­ing pigment located on skin cells and it is also a protective agent. Our skin is made in a way to resist harmful rays from the sun and that protection process is carried out due to the presence of Melanin, according to Dr. Varuna Gunathilak­e, Head of the National Centre for Medical Toxicology and Poison Informatio­n of the National Hospital. He warned that excessive use of Mercury would stop the formation of Melanin. When no more Melanin is formed, the skin gets fair apparently but people are not aware of the short-term and long-term effects it could have on the human body. He said skin irritation, skin burning and neurologic­al symptoms were among the harmful effects of mercury in creams.

Young people who are being skinned alive literally by this get white epidemic and have been mislead by the white lies of the foreign and local promoters, could get more informatio­n from the Medical Toxicology Centre of the National Hospital on the hotline 0112686143.

In a multitude of areas ranging from medicinal drugs food and milk and agro-chemicals to whitening of the skin we often act as jackasses though we are supposed to be having a 90 percent literacy rate. Perhaps the modern era of technology is training specially young people to press buttons instead of thinking. That may be one reason why we are allowing TNCs to use, abuse, misuse and dupe us at a heavy cost to ourselves and our country.

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