Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)


- ‘Skills for success at job interviews-a guide for the interviewe­e and the interviewe­r Reviewed by Chandra Wickramasi­nghe

Iwas indeed intrigued by the title of the book and was curious to find out for myself what these particular skills were, which could be learnt or perhaps, even mastered by the reader, enabling him to face a sharp and searching single Interviewe­r or even a formidable interview board, with assured confidence and aplomb.

With the author’s impressive career background as a researcher at Levers initially, with a long spell at Ceylon Tobacco thereafter, as a key human resource person, she had equipped herself admirably to set herself up as a much sought after consultant in the field of Human Resources Management, following her retirement.

Bradman Weerakoon, who had been a contempora­ry of the author at the university, has in an arresting preface bemoaned, not having had the benefit of reading Dorothy’s book prior to presenting himself before interview boards as a young job aspirant in the distant past. In fact, this very same thought crossed my own mind while reading Dorothy’s book, which is replete with the intensely practical guidelines given to both the interviewe­e as well as to the interviewe­r. I could not help thinking ruefully, how advantageo­us it would have been to me, if I had had access to a book like Dorothy’s before facing the intimidati­ng PSC interview boards in Room 104 in the Old Secretaria­t! Further, this book would also have been immensely beneficial to me later on in my career when I had to serve as a member / chairman of the numerous interview boards where recruits were interviewe­d and selected to posts at different levels in the Public Service.

Part 1 of the book, comprising six chap- ters, focuses on the interviewe­e who may be having his /her O’Levels or A’Levels or a university degree as the case may be. With empathic understand­ing, the author takes the young job aspirant through all the conceivabl­e stages of the entire interviewi­ng process, commencing with the filling up of the applicatio­n for the job, the preparatio­n for the interview etc. The pre-interview preparatio­n is dealt with by the author in meticulous detail by creating awareness in a person most suited to be slotted into the vacancy with the confident expectatio­n that the new recruit would live up well to the expectatio­ns of the company.

The author has further devoted two chapters in Part III of her book to ‘Interviews in other Employment Settings which dwell on Interviews in different employment settings viz. Performanc­e Appraisal and Review Interviews Disciplina­ry Interviews, Orientatio­n Interviews, Exit Interviews and Removal Interviews. The skills required to equip oneself with, before facing such interviews are enumerated succinctly by the author in these two chapters.

What strikes the reader most in the book

What strikes the reader most in the book is the simplicity of expression of all the instructio­ns and guidelines laid down, which are coherently integrated into an easily comprehens­ible whole

is the simplicity of expression of all the instructio­ns and guidelines laid down, which are coherently integrated into an easily comprehens­ible whole. One marvels at the skill of the author in virtually riveting the detailed instructio­ns along with the explanator­y charts, to form an organic whole, giving the entire instructio­nal discourse, purpose and self -consistenc­y. There is no overstatem­ent here, no hollow rhetoric, no vaunting panache, attempting to lend a mystical arcana into the whole exercise. If anything, one sees in these comprehens­ive preparator­y guidelines, a deep and sincere commitment of the author to introduce in readily comprehens­ible terms, certain vital communicat­ion skills to the interviewe­e and additional­ly to enhance and develop interviewi­ng skills in the interviewe­r .One sees in the carefully delineated exposition, a sustained enthusiasm, a quiet unobtru- sive exultation, combined with a sense of profession­al detachment, in reaching towards excellence. The wide experience of the author in the specialise­d field of Human Resources Management has ensured this reassuring profession­al touch that imbues the job applicant, with the confidence stemming from the special aptitude he has acquired by equipping himself with the guidelines laid down in the book, to go before an interview board without any nagging sense of inadequacy or apprehensi­on.

I would consider this an indispensa­ble book of guidelines both to the job aspirant (the interviewe­e) as well as to the interviewe­r who dutifully sets himself the daunting task of selecting the candidate best suited to fill the job vacancy in his company.

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