Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Thank You Swiss Attorney Mr. Walter Kalin

- -Melville Perera Kohuwala

The pious comments by the head of the USA delegation that the country was striving to IMPROVE were hilarious perhaps striving for better methods to create more democratic mayhem

It was consoling to read the forthright “indictment” against the USA on its human rights violations by none other than a member (above named) of the 18-member experts committee presently sitting in judgment at the Geneva Conference which made headlines in the print media. The massive USA delegation not forgetting the sidekick the pious and biased Navi Pillay must have bowed their heads in shame especially when Uncle Sam brags that his country is TRADITIONA­LLY A NATION OF LAWS and considerin­g its current and third resolution against Sri Lanka whose human rights violations if at all cannot match a fraction of Uncle Sam’s killing spree history. The pious comments by the head of the USA delegation that the country was striving to IMPROVE were hilarious perhaps striving for better methods to create more democratic mayhem.

If at all these Int’l criminals are brought to justice one wonders how the LEARNED JUDGES can sit in judgment when the validity of the Int’l Criminal Court is questionab­le having been formulated by these criminals themselves to suit their terms. To all intents and purposes it can be classified a GLORIFIED KANGAROO COURT with the obvious verdict being JUSTIFIABL­E HOMICIDE.

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