Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Crime rate in certain areas less than .01% - PM


Prime Minister D.M.Jayaratne said wide propaganda given to the illegal activities of a handful of individual­s had brought disrepute to the country, but the surveys had revealed that in some areas the crime rate was less than .01 percent.

Addressing a gathering at “Miasy Sarasy” programme organised by the aesthetic education section of the Gampola St. Joseph’s Girls School, the Prime Minister said wide propaganda given to minor incidents reported to the police had resulted in this state. He said it was a misconcept­ion that the country was engulfed in a wave of crimes.

The programme had been organised by the Principal of the school Mrs. Chandana Ranasinghe and the teacher of music L.L.S.P.Yalagala, to raise funds to improve the physical resources of the section.

“It is unavoidabl­e that few individual­s resort to criminal activities. It is exaggerati­on of crimes that appeals to many individual­s. It is said that bad news has wings and some individual­s like to talk at length about crimes and even spread rumours. This has brought disrepute to the country. However Sri Lanka is far better when compared to any other country. Teaching of aesthetic subjects in school should be an integral part of education and good behaviour patterns can be inculcated in children in their formative years through aesthetic subjects,” he said.

Provincial Council Member Anuradha Jayaratne , Deputy Director of Education Shantha Kumara and Zonal Director of Education Ananda Premasiri were present at the occasion.

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