Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



TAIPEI, March 21(Reuters) - Thousands of young people in Taiwan waved banners and shouted slogans on Friday, marking the third day of their occupation of parliament to protest against a trade pact with China they fear could further swell Beijing's economic influence.

Parliament­ary approval of the pact would pave the way for greater economic integratio­n between the two former geopolitic­al foes, by opening 80 of China's service sectors to Taiwan and 64 Taiwan sectors to China.

Protesters demanding a presidenti­al audience and brandishin­g sunflowers as a symbol of hope flooded parliament and the surroundin­g streets.

They held up signs opposing both the pact on trade in services with mainland China, the island's biggest export desti- nation, and what they called the undemocrat­ic methods used to push the bill over an initial legislativ­e hurdle.

"We oppose the abuse of power by a small political body to ram through this bill," said college student Blink Lin, 25, one of hundreds of protesters crowding the floor of parliament.

The protesters had used chairs to blockade the chamber doors, and strung its walls with posters condemning President Ma Ying-jeou.

They have called it a preconditi­on for Taiwan to join the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p, a wide-ranging trade deal among 12 countries, spearheade­d by the United States.

 ??  ?? Protesters are seen outside Taiwan's legislatur­e in Taipei, March 21, 2014.(REUTERS)
Protesters are seen outside Taiwan's legislatur­e in Taipei, March 21, 2014.(REUTERS)

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