Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



Lent is not only a preparatio­n for Easter but is also a time for one to reconcile oneself with God Our Father and take a conscious step towards him.

Jesus dwells in the Blessed Sacrament to lighten our burdens by comforting us in all our trials and encouragin­g us in all our disappoint­ments no matter what. For He says,

“Cast all your anxieties upon the Lord who cares for us.”

We often go in pursuit of worldly comfort and pleasure and are preoccu- pied with our own selfish motives. All this is passing and futile, it leaves us only empty and disillusio­ned to the point of despair.

Christ in the Blessed Sacrament is the only one who could give us permanent happiness and fulfill our every need. The Eucharist is the fulfillmen­t of his promise, “I myself will pasture my sheep. I will give them rest. The lost I will seek out, the strayed I will bring back. The injured I will bind up, the sick I will heal.”

This is why our Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament is so important. Jesus chooses to come to us in the most Blessed Sacrament under the appearance of bread, as a constant reminder of how much he loves us. He waits for us day and night and He says, “I thirst with a terrible thirst to be loved by you in this Blessed Sacrament.”

I wish to leave you with this thought during this Season of Lent.


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