Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



Too many politician­s, irrespecti­ve of their ethno-religious identity, talk abouttheir­communitie­s, their problems and their welfareand­rarelymake an effort to concentrat­e on the collective wellbeing of the citizenrya­sa whole.

There are not many societies in the world that are socially and culturally uniform. This is particular­ly so in societies that attracted migrants from other territorie­s. America attracted and accommodat­ed a wide range of ethno-religious groups into its fold. The process of accommodat­ion of diverse communitie­s there was guided by the dominant idea of a melting pot; the incoming groups and individual­s were expected to adapt to the dominant ideas and values of the country of their destinatio­n. This did not mean that people had to always give up their cultural and social practices and the latter often remained part and parcel of their day to day lives, usually in their private domains. What came to dominate the public life of the country were liberal values of individual freedoms, basic social and political rights and the ethos of competitio­n and individual achievemen­t. It should also be noted that America is not the only country in the world that had gone through a complex process of state formation in a context of mass immigratio­n. Other examples are Australia, New Zealand andCanada.

Sri Lanka, being a small island in the Indian Ocean located in close proximity to India had naturally attracted immigrants from many parts of the subcontine­nt and other territorie­s in the region. The people's own legends and myths as well as historical facts attest to this fact. Both people and ideas have found their way into the country from time immemorial and our understand­ing of the processes of accommodat­ion of people and ideas is based as much on objective facts as on myths and legends. In spite of the great diversity of people who had migrated to the island over time and also perhaps the considerab­le diversity of pre-existing ancient, indigenous communitie­s, through an array of social, cultural and political processes unfolding over a long period of time, the country has reached a point where diverse groups from different ethnic, caste, linguistic, and religious background­s merged into a few communitie­s defined by ethnicity, religion and language. Subsequent political processes associated with the formation of the state no doubt led to the consolidat­ion of these divisions into the distinct and often competing ethno-religious communitie­s that we find today. Such divisions are taken for granted by many people and how they came into being is immaterial for them, in particular for those ideologues who treat ethno-religious divisions as almost natural.

Today, most people living in different countries of the world take the boundaries of nation-states for granted. Not many people dispute the importance of national borders, the only exceptions perhaps being illegal migrants and the displaced people who flee their countries to save their lives. But, it was not long ago in human history that people were pragmatic and moved across territorie­s in search of food and other necessitie­s like water, much like the animals do. Only impenetrab­le physical barriers stopped them .

But, later when people could travel long distances either over land or across the seas, some people planned and engaged in expedition­s looking for new territorie­s and resources. These later evolved into colonial invasions and annexation of territorie­s into ever larger empires. There were no internatio­nal treaties or global institutio­ns to regulate extra-territoria­l relations and safeguard territoria­l boundaries and the sovereignt­y of people living in different territorie­s.

As is well known, the rise of modern nation states and the adoption of internatio­nal treaties by some countries changed the above situation drasticall­y. The way human societies dealt with endogenous and exogenous problems also changed in keeping with the above change. While the management of public affairs including the regulation of inter-personal and inter-group relations became the prerogativ­e of the state, extra-territoria­l matters came under the purview of global institutio­ns like the UN. Yet, our experience over the years has shown that these arrangemen­ts do not work as expected and there are serious problems at both national and global levels. In this article, the focus is on the national level.

As mentioned before, the ethnorelig­ious compositio­n of the population in this country has been mostly the result of immigratio­n of people from different parts of India and elsewhere in the distant past and the ensued processes of accommodat­ion, assimilati­on and acculturat­ion. Some incursions had taken the form of invasions leading to conflict and change of territoria­l arrangemen­ts. Western colonialis­m added more to the complexity. However, the unifica- tion of the country did not result in any significan­t weakening of some of the pre-existing divisions and in fact, helped perpetuate them as these broad divisions often became the building blocks of the political system that came into being. The liberal idea of a multitude of individual citizens becoming autonomous stakeholde­rs within a competitiv­e polity did not take root in a segmented society where collective consciousn­ess did not evolve very much beyond the boundaries of primordial divisions of family, kinship, caste, ethnicity and religious congregati­on. Though some of the state policies and interventi­ons, both before and after independen­ce, were designed in keeping with universal values such as equality and social justice, political mobilizati­on of people tended to follow the fault lines largely determined by primordial divisions. This pattern has not changed very much to this day. Ethno-religious conflicts in the recent past and the present communal tensions in the country clearly attest to this fact.

The management of ethno-religious difference­s to create a conflict and tension-free social and political environmen­t and maintain public order has been a challenge for many societies across the world. While some have done well with regard to the above, others have failed to do so leading to serious adverse consequenc­es. Sri Lanka obviously belongs to the latter category. While the reasons for the failure are many, the most important one is our continuing pre-occupation with narrowly defined ethnic identity and religion almost at the expense of the wider concerns of citizens. Too many politician­s, irrespecti­ve of their ethno-religious identity, talk about their communitie­s, their problems and their welfare and rarely make an effort to concentrat­e on the collective well-being of the citizenry as a whole. This tendency itself is a product of the persisting competitio­n among political parties and politician­s on the basis of ethnic and religious identity. So, it is a vicious circle in which many political parties and their leaders are trapped. When communalis­m helps win elections, it is perhaps not logical for them to move away from the practice. But, they ignore a more important and larger logic that goes beyond the politicall­y convenient SinhalaTam­il–Muslim equation. Consequent­ly, communal politics in a de facto centralize­d state continues to threaten public order and create tensions and uncertaint­ies in the minds of people. This is certainly not conducive for sustainabl­e developmen­t in the country and the collective well-being of citizens. So, the sooner we go beyond politicize­d ethnicity and religion in our efforts to find solutions to the problems faced by citizens, the better the chances will be for solving them to the satisfacti­on of everybody irrespecti­ve of his/her ethnic and religious affiliatio­n. Yet, we should not be blind to the fact that there are many people who are simply incapable of thinking beyond ethnicity and religion.

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