Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Those who want casinos should expect prostituti­on and drugs -- Eran


United National Party (UNP) MP Eran Wickramara­tne said that those arguing for casino trade should also expect red light districts in Sri Lanka where prostituti­on and drugs are allowed to flourish in disregard of the laws of the country.

Making his remarks during the debate on the two gazette notificati­ons which, the opposition says, would legalize casinos, Mr. Wickramara­tne said tourists would not expect to enjoy casinos.

“People who visit countries just to enjoy the casinos are not going only for the casinos. In every country, including Singapore, the casino trade is linked to what is called red-light. Therefore, those arguing that the casino trade will bring revenue to this country, and seriously believe it, must also be expecting Sri Lanka to cultivate a red light district like in western capitals. Where is the respect for Sri Lankan culture?” he asked.

He said, “There is no way out of this problem. Either the argument that these investment­s will give a big boost to tourism is a lie, or the boost will come at the expense of selling our culture. This is the choice before Parliament. Macau is now the world’s capital for gambling: an island of 29.9 square kilometres. It has 35 casinos, 56 sauna sex centres and 21 night clubs. While the gambling and sex industries are booming, the living standards of the local population have much to be desired. In addition there are 13,000 gambling addicts. About 39% of the revenue is subsumed as tax. The benefit to the local population is not apparent.

He said that the people of the Colombo District had rejected the government’s policies at the recently concluded provincial council elections.

He said, “If the government insists on having casinos and red light districts why does it not situate them in Mattala where there is an airport? We could then see whether our relatives in the south approve of government plans that destroy our culture and value system.

If the government insists on having casinos and red light districts why does it not situate them in Mattala where there is an airport? We could then see whether our relatives in the south approve of government plans that destroy our culture and value system

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