Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Eelam - A thing of the past


Eelam will never be in our vocabulary again for two very good reasons! The most important - It is our Tamil brethren living in the North who suffered most from the disastrous 30 year Eelam war. There are more than 2000 widows living in the north still weeping for the dead ones and over 4000 children without both parents Their children were forcibly proscribed by that cruel terrorist leader that this world has seen. They had to live without electricit­y for 20 years. Just imagine how much we complain when we do not have electricit­y for a few hours. Their houses were destroyed both by the sadist LTTE and by the armed forces. The children were deprived of a fair education for the lack of basic amenities. Thousands are still living in make-shift camps. They had to pay high prices for basics. Over 40000 Tamils died during the war. This cruel maniac killed not only innocent Tamils but also innocent Sinhala people in the most callous manner

Today the Tamils in the North are in heaven. Roads have been developed. They could freely move about, there is electricit­y and everything is available at a cheap price. Farmers get good prices for their produce. Train services have been restored after 25 years and the south is opened for them again and reminiscen­ses of the period of the cruel war brings tears to them. Will any one of them want to return to that bleak era.

Very soon we will see Jaffna developed into one of the best towns in the world.

Secondly and most importantl­y, as late JR said in the height of the 1983 violence - a separate State will never materializ­e in Sri Lanka as long as there is even one solitary ‘Singhalaya’ living in Sri Lanka. That is the truth. We will never permit it. That is world history - A minority community cannot put their power however strong it may be, to suppress the majority and create a separate state. There will always be on the fringe, those who will never say die. These extremists are found on both sides.

The remnants of those who clamoured for Eelam are not giving up their hopes. But if Prabakaran with the world’s best terrorist outfit, could not succeed, it would only be an unrealized dream for others who are not a shadow of that barbarian.

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