Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

FROM TRIUMPHALI­SM TO COMMEMORAT­ION A paradigm shift; Need of the Hour


Demolition of ruthless terrorism is in no uncertain terms a great victory for the nation. Championin­g of Triumphali­sm by a section of the community—is a self-inflicted tragic defeat. Apart from the 1200 IPKF men, the rest of the tens of thousands who laid their lives in the 30-year war were our own brethren. Over 90 percent of them died due to armed action by both sides. A‘military show of strength’ invariably conveys a wrong message not only to theTamils but to a section of the ‘majority’as well; it appears that remnants of triumphali­sm exercised by the previous regime yet haunts. Do we need to commemorat­e the dead with such petty extravagan­za? Let’s find answers to this pertinent question before the next May 19.

‘It is better to control yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours; it cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell’.—The Buddha

The misconcept­ion or misbelief that a particular community is superior to, and should conquer over the others is identified as ‘triumphali­sm’.Aparadigm shift in the general perspectiv­e of people’s thinking in relation to issues on race and religion will have to be achieved.

The ‘National Flag’giving prominence to a particular community and allocating only a fourth of it to two other communitie­s itself is a gross discrimina­tion. While the Sinhalese are hoodwinked to believe they are a superior lot; the people belonging to minority races are forced to acquire a sense of inferiorit­y as second class citizens. An animal brandishin­g a sword within a frame decorated with‘Bo leaves’ for protection is a disgrace to the ‘Sinhala Buddhists’ and also a violation of principles of the Dhamma disclosed by the Buddha. The sword denotes nothing but destructiv­e power exercised against fellow beings. The famous folklore maxim, “yuddeta netikaduwa koskotanna­da?” [what use is of a sword other than for war]. ARESINHALE­SEPEOPLE WARMONGERS?

It is high time we appoint a team of experts to design a new National flag sans any ethno-religious based colours, idols, symbols or stripes. In the case of national bird or national flower, it is just one bird and one flower, selected purely on one basic criterion of its uniqueness or indigenous nature. If you are to impose the same criteria as in the flag; in the case of the national bird, one would end up by creating a monster or a mythical creature like the three-headed ‘Cerberus’depicting the three main ethnic groups or a mysterious dragon if all other ‘minority’communitie­s like Malays, Burghers, Chetties etc, are to be considered as well. Doesn’t it sound ridiculous and stupid? Why divide? We need to be identified as one nation, one people living in harmony under one common banner; a banner which does not discrimina­te any ethnic group by small and big allocation of space and symbols for specific identifica­tion.

The war victory with all the pomp and pageantry that goes with it was celebrated by the previous government for five consecutiv­e years. However, under growing disapprova­l among civil society, the motto was changed from ‘War victory’to ‘Peace victory’in 2014. In spite of the change of the Maxims and mottos, the fact remains that still we indulged in triumphali­sm. “MYVICTORYI­SSOMEONE ELSE’SDEFEAT”

A triumphali­st develops a sense of confidence, pride, security or virtue trusting in superiorit­y: Celebratio­n of any kind of victory; quite naturally, would hurt the wounded party or the defeated opponents, especially, within a plural society like ours.

What is unacceptab­le is that we disallow people within the war-affected areas to commemorat­e their loved ones who died in the battle. The political settlement to the national question that has been dragging on for decades will drag on further with fewer hopes; consequent­ially it affects the harmonious relationsh­ips among different ethnic groups, especially, in a secular State like ours.

The JVP is free to commemorat­e its annualApri­l ‘Viru Samaru Day’they call their men, including those who indulged in murder and others who were involved in clashes with security forces and created utter chaos covering the entire island as heroes. Why these double standards? Like the Northern terrorists, they went on a killing spree in 1988/89; murdering academics, politician­s, artistes and Buddhist monks and all those who disobeyed their orders. If so, the minorities should have an equal right and the freedom to grieve, mourn or commemorat­e the death of their treasured ones as well. Any attempt to block commemorat­ive events of a section of the people on an arbitrary basis during the anniversar­y periods would yield negative effects. Subjecting the people of Jaffna to such authoritar­ian processes, while we in the South parade with military shows will have negative effects on the reconcilia­tion process. The previous regime used excessive military presence in the region to create a fear psychosis and suppress any commemorat­ion events. The present government have taken positive steps to prevent such brutality, though they went to Courts to get a legal cover banning such activity; suppressio­n it seems, remains to be the name of the game even under the Yahapalana­ya.

‘Victory breeds enmity; the vanquished one dwells in sorrow; the composed person lives happily, disregardi­ng both victory and defeat’. -Verse 201: Dhammapada.


Unnecessar­y spending of time and money on commemorat­ive programmes of ‘paying tribute’involving public funds and government officers in mid-May was a regular feature from 2010 up to last year. In addition to the main national event with military parades, celebratio­ns were extended to Ministries, Department­s and Provincial level consuming State resources. These funds could be diverted to fund welfare programmes of war heroes and families of deceased soldiers.

The last hero’s day speech by LTTE leader, V. Prabhakara­n was an indication of acceptance of defeat. He lamented requesting internatio­nal support. Before that Tamils in the North suffered as never before in the history.All the opportunit­ies offered by Heads of States starting from J. R. Jayewarden­e, Premadasa, Chandrika Bandaranai­ke, Ranil Wickremesi­nghe, and finally, Mahinda Rajapaksa for a peacefully­negotiated solution were disregarde­d by the warmonger himself, who was determined to defeat the government forces at a fullyfledg­ed war and capture power.

Terrorism which encased Sri Lanka for 30 years was determined­ly defeated in 2009. Tamils and Muslims living in the Northern and Eastern provinces suffered mostly from the effects of the 30-year war. The all-party Tamil convention held in 1976 at Vadukkodai saw the emergence of an umbrella organizati­on-styled Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) and more importantl­y, the passing of Famous Vadukkodai Resolution calling for a separate Tamil State combining the two provinces. The idea of a separate State or Eelam resulted in the mushroomin­g of militant groups like EROS, EPRLF, EPDP, TELO, PLOTE and the ruthless LTTE, with the E; denoting Eelam in each case.

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