Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



- By Kelum Bandara

Q How do you see the situation in the Maldives after the recent violence that disturbed the peace?

Actually, the May Day protest was organized by the opposition parties. It was supposed to be a peaceful protest. But, it was not. Against the agreements they signed, it turned violent. Their violent actions have been captured on video. Policemen also came under attack. Lots of people were arrested. They were produced before Courts and were subjected to various forms of legal action.

The government wants stability in the country. It is the desire of the government. The President invited all political parties to come for a discussion so that whatever difference­s that were there could be sorted out. So, it was a positive action. The political parties, by and large reacted, positively.

All in all, it was a positive situation.All the opposition parties are now with the government and I believe this is a good step. Nothing could be solved through confrontat­ion. As far as the government is concerned, the present government came with a wide political and economic agenda for the developmen­t of the nation.As we all know, we cannot achieve economic prosperity without political stability in the country. Therefore, it is the duty of all to work together in the greater interest of the future of the country. Now, is time for everyone to sit together and discuss the solutions.

Q It is learnt that religious extremism is behind the current violence in the Maldives. The Adalaath Party is accused of being extremists in this case. What have you got to say about it?

Actually, the rise of Islamic religious extremism is a matter of concern for the entire region. One could say that there is a degree of extremism. This is something we need to address. I cannot say the Adalaath Party adopts extremist policies. Some people accuse them of being extremists. But, I cannot say that. It is also a mainstream party. I am sure that a majority of that party does not want to resort to extremism. However, there is a danger involved and the government is addressing this issue. We are educating the youth on what the Islamic values are. Islam means peace and it preaches peace.

Q What sort of cooperatio­n do you have at the moment with Sri Lanka in addressing the issues of your country?

We, for a long time, have attached high importance to our relations with neighbouri­ng countries. We would like to maintain close relations with India and Sri Lanka. Historical­ly, we are linked in many ways. Sri Lanka is a country that we look for regarding trade, education, healthcare etc.

In the case of Sri Lanka, we always try to contact our counterpar­ts and see what we can do. We wish good luck in Sri Lanka’s endeavours in political and other fields. Likewise, I am sure, that Sri Lanka wishes the same for our country.

People to people contacts are very important in our bilateral relations. Our relationsh­ip would remain intact whatever party ruled Sri Lanka or the Maldives. We are linked in many ways.

We, for a long time, have attached high importance to our relations with neighbouri­ng countries. We would like to maintain close relations with India and Sri Lanka. Historical­ly, we are linked in many ways. Sri Lanka is a country that we look for regarding trade, education, healthcare

Q Actually, how did you engage the Sri Lankan leaders or officials in this regard during your stay?

My stay was rather short this time. I am on the way from New Delhi. We have a High Commission­er here. She is in touch with all concerned.

Q Yet, would there be any high profile visits in the near future?

In fact, I believe there have been discussion­s on high level visits. Our President is due to visit Sri Lanka at a mutually convenient time. It is a matter of working out convenient dates for both sides. An invitation is already there for it. Similarly, the Sri Lankan President is also invited to the Maldives. Such visits are always welcome. There would be positive impacts on both sides.

Q What are the potential areas for furthering the ongoing relationsh­ips?

As you know, the Maldives is quite a small country with a very small population as well as limited resources. However, Sri Lanka is comparativ­ely large, and compared to the Maldives, you have plenty of resources. You have manpower. There are so many ways Sri Lanka can help us, especially in the health sector. Ninety one islands are inhabited and far-flung islands in the Indian Ocean. Administra­tion of those islands is not that easy as a result. Every island needs services like healthcare and security. We are always short of adequately trained people in many areas, be it teachers, health workers or doctors. Even now, there are a lot of Sri Lankan doctors serving in the Maldives. And there are so many other areas where the two countries can cooperate as well as promote tourism and investment­s.

Q What about the maritime security cooperatio­n?

That is very important. As you know, there is a tripartite agreement among India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives. The Maldives, for a long time, has advocated the position that the Indian Ocean area should be a zone of peace. We take decisions regarding maritime security in consultati­on with other partners.

In the past, there has been a lot of discussion in the media about China’s presence. These are not true. I can speak for the Maldives. There is an allegation in the internatio­nal media that the Maldives had made way for China. Another allegation is that we have given an island to China for submarine base operation. There is no truth whatsoever. Whatever cooperatio­n we have with China, is purely economic. China has been a developmen­t partner in helping us. They invest in many areas. There is false informatio­n that we have given the Male Internatio­nal Airport to the Chinese authoritie­s. It is still with the Maldives.

We are trying to expand the airport. When it comes to maritime security, there are more areas of concern; especially the Indian Ocean piracy. It is important for us to work together. We will consult our partners when we take decisions. We do not want any particular power to be powerful in this region. That is why this tripartite agreement is so vital. We are in touch with India and Sri Lanka. Whatever it is, the Maldives will remain where we are, Sri Lanka where it is, and so will India. Today, the size of nations does not matter. What we want is peace and a better life for our people.

In the present geopolitic­al context, there are so many problems in different parts of the world. Our interest is to protect ourselves and our people. We cannot afford to be drawn into these chaotic situations.

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