Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Arjuna: MR would have still captained SL team


I was able to lead a fantastic cricket team wherein all members were a dedicated, extremely talented and patriotic lot

“Fortunatel­y the Kurunegala District UPFAcandid­ate Mahinda Rajapaksa had not played cricket. Had he played and won the limited over cricket World Cup in 1996, he would have still been the captain of the Sri Lanka team,” Gampaha District candidateA­rjuna Ranatunga quipped yesterday.

He made the remark when he addressed a large gathering of supporters, when former President Chandrika Kumaratung­a visited the main election propaganda office in Gampaha.

“I was able to lead a fantastic cricket team wherein all members were a dedicated, extremely talented and patriotic lot. We also produced a second rung of players from up and coming young cricketers, who were ready to replace seniors when they retire.

“But President Rajapaksa failed to build up a second ring of political leaders from among young and skilful politician­s in the SLFP but concentrat­ed on keeping power among himself and his family.

“That is why I told you that if he won the World Cup in 1996, he would have never given up the captaincy of the team,” Minister Ranatunga charged.

Minister Ranatunga said former President Kumaratung­a worked hard to bring President Maithripal­a Sirisena and the Yahapalana Government to power as she loved the country.

“She has worked hard to strengthen the concept of good governance, prevent corrupt politician­s being elected to Parliament and to protect the January 8 Silent Revolution,” he said.

“The August 17 election is a contest between the good and bad, evil and justice and law and lawlessnes­s or a fight against the UNP and the UFPA that represent the good and the bad respective­ly.

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