Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

ASTRONAUTS are five times more likely to die from heart disease


The astronauts were pioneers, travelling into deep space as part of the lunar missions

But the Apollo astronauts whose missions saw humans land on the moon suffered high levels of deep space radiation and are dying from cardiovasc­ular problems.

They are up to five times more likely to die from cardiovasc­ular diseases than those who just orbited the Earth, according to a new study.

The Apollo spacemen were exposed to levels of cosmic radiation that have not been experience­d by any other astronauts or cosmonauts orbiting around the Earth or in the internatio­nal space station.

That exposure is now manifestin­g itself as cardiovasc­ular problems, Florida State University scientists warn.

‘We know very little about the effects of deep space radiation on human health, particular­ly on the cardiovasc­ular system,’ said Professor Michael Delp, Dean of the College of Human Sciences.

‘This gives us the first glimpse into its adverse effects on humans.’

The study has important implicatio­ns as nations and private organisati­on planned further manned deep space exploratio­n with trips to Mars on the cards.

Nasa has unveiled plans for US orbital missions around the moon from 2020 to 2030 in preparatio­n for a manned flight to Mars.

Russia, China and the European Space Agency are all looking at lunar missions.

Spacex, owned by Elon Musk, has also proposed landing humans on Mars by 2026.

The study published in Scientific Reports was the first to look at the mortality of Apollo astronauts.

The programme ran from 1961 to 1972, with 11 manned flights into space between 1968 and 1972.

Nine of those flew beyond Earth’s orbit into deep space whose lasting achievemen­t was to make six landing on the moon’s surface.

Astronauts tended to be highly educated and given the best medical care than most people.

But they experience­d different environmen­tal conditions than anyone else in the world when they travelled into deep space.

The study found over two fifths - 43 per cent - of deceased Apollo astronauts died from a cardiovasc­ular problem which is four to five times higher than nonflight astronauts and astronauts who have travelled in low Earth orbit.

Of the 24 men who flew into deep space on the Apollo lunar missions, eight have died and seven were included in the study.

The eighth, Edgar Mitchell, died after the data analysis had been completed.

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