Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Gammanpila wants Wickramaba­hu arrested

Allegation on poisoning ex-ltters:


Nava Sama Samaja Party General Secretary Dr. Wickramaba­hu Karunaratn­e should be arrested for making false allegation­s on Sri Lankan tri-forces that EX-LTTE cadres in detention had been allegedly injected with poisonous drugs, if he did not have evidence to prove the allegation­s, Opposition MP Udaya Gammanpila said yesterday.

While denying Dr. Karunaratn­e’s claim, MP Gammanpila said no mysterious deaths of EX-LTTE cadres were reported due to alleged poisoning when they were undergoing post-war rehabilita­tion in army camps.

He told a media briefing yesterday that nearly 13, 000 ex-ltters surrendere­d to the Army, without opting to commit suicide, by biting into a cyanide pill, because they had trust on the Sri Lankan Army.

“Ex-terrorists were provided with vocational training, English and ICT education and finally handed over them to their relatives after rehabilita­tion. Everything was done within two years . No country in the world treats ex-terrorists in such a manner,” MP Gammanpila said.

He said that Dr. Wickramaba­hu Karunaratn­e should have evidence before making such serious allegation­s against the triforces.

He said the allegation would be used to level war crimes charges on Sri Lankan tri-forces, by those who need to defame the good name of them.

Dr. Karunaratn­e had been injected with a toxic drug called ‘Tamil separatism’ by western countries, he alleged.

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