Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



In a final where no quarter was asked or given and a game that swung like a pendulum, Amana Bank defeated WNS Global by 62 points to 49 in the MSBA ‘E’ Division Final at the Henry Pedris Park.

However, at half time it was WNS Global who had their noses in front with 29 points to the bankers 24.

It was Amana Bank who put the first points on the board and they had six, when WNS Global opened their account. At the end of the first quarter, it was 12 to Amana Bank and eight to WNS Global.

In the second quarter, WNS Global pulled their socks up and led 29 to 24 at half time.

The third quarter was a ding-dong battle and Amana Bank came back to lead with 42 points to WNS Global’s 40.

When the whistle was blown for the final quarter, Amana Bank came out with all guns blazing and nipped their opponents scoring moves in the bud to add 20 points while conceding only nine to finish the game with 62 points to 49.

Thus, Amana Bank finished with a clean slate they won all eight matches in the tournament.

Earlier in the tournament, Amana Bank posted a one sided 82 to 52 point win over Millenium IT in their semifinal, while WNS Global had their work cut out to beat Mobitel 48 to 45 in their semifinal.

For Amana Bank, Gimantha Karunatile­ke led the way with 22 points while Chamath Serasinghe 18 and Mohamed Najath 10 also helped to swell the score.

For WNS Global Nipuna Samarakoon played an inspiring game to top score with 24 points, while skipper Kanishka Ekanayake added 11 until he was unfortunat­ely carried off the court with an injury.

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