Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)


- By Gomin Dayasri

Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna [SLPP] has displayed its public face in presenting Basil Rajapaksa and Chairman G.l.peiris [budding buddies of the‘bud’ party]– after hectoring by MR, hibernatin­g in the background as its ultimate leader. Make no mistake it is his party. It will be conceived and buried by him if he succeeds to the SLFP. All roads lead to leaders residence.

Founders claim to fame is the proximity to the chieftain; find them both ideal foils while in political wilderness. Presented public faces are not ‘fair and lovely’ to the expanding middle classes and the floating voters, much needed,to place the joint opposition in the driving seat.

People detest ‘yahapalana­ya’ governance: their hip pockets are rapidly vacuum. Personal needs of the voters, anxious to maintain a style of living, enhanced after the eliminatio­n of terrorism, are not to be. National Issues are secondary. Yahapalana­ya is treated in the jocular.

The gruesome twosome leading the SLPP gained gravy from the UNP hierarchy in their heyday – remains ingrained in the memory of voters – are placed on a dubious list by the SLFP intelligen­tsia and is way down in the hit parade.therefore big chief knows the combine is replaceabl­e by the progeny at home.he does not want to know his kids are the most detested.

Basil is a classic workhorse; doubles as the perfect manager for the eventual non-working, laid back, head of the SLPP. MR is the friendly back-lapping, infant -carrying, elder-caressing the true populist; while the younger brother would toil hard intelligen­tly - as the doer.

GL is on a wanderlust with political parties yearning for personal advancemen­t: MR appreciate­s the attributes GL possesses, a spacious dining table [more an operating theatre] sit small mobs for meetings and refreshmen­t on host’s account; GL can speak and write perfect English though drab and dull with an inherent whiff of tear gas that disperses crowds - essential to a political party with language disabiliti­es outside the vernacular. GL is a mild intellect, honourable to the boot, except on public funds wasted on extravagan­t fun travel. Pardon him: most weak men/women succumb to the unaffordab­le infideliti­es.

Official explanatio­n is not forthcomin­g as to holding back the man that tamed terror, uplifted urban developmen­t and made Colombo a near garden city. MR cannot bother to read a document too long and is often taken for a ride while his younger brother will recast minute fine print to advantage. Basil has a ready following among the small time politician­s of the SLFP in the provinces – candidates for the up coming local authority elections - is disliked by the next generation of the SLFP. Lacks respectabi­lity due to his famed sojourns during trouble times and more.


Gotabhaya Rajapakse - the achiever - spells instant success in opposition politics. Here lies a tale of woe. Gotabhaya does not understand local politics as well as his two brothers – an understate­ment. Was he offered a slot or did he decline? Lets check on it.

Why did maestro MR fail to present his match - winning brother, Gotabhaya instead put forth a butter fingered brother to the front office? Official explanatio­ns are not reliable - to bring Gota at the appropriat­e time. Rubbish: Gota is not happy to surface at this moment on the advice of his handlers for an overnight party.

All political families’ behind closed doors have on-going schism. Rajapaksas are no different but will never throw one another to the were-wolves like the Bandaranai­kes as they are not slaves to western values though holders of American passports – sticks to a Sinhala Buddhist family environmen­t. This is where the Rajapaksa kids went wrong: as did the President’s boy child.

There are many men of lesser parties in the joint opposition that seek to make Gota - their junior partner in politics There are many men of lesser parties in the joint opposition that seek to make Gota - their junior partner in politics

Gota’s handlers prefer to keep him aloof from the family establishm­ent. Sinners desire to destabiliz­e their own protégé from the inside track (some say orchestrat­ed by the Government to go easy on their collective sins) but he cannot remain in the backstage too long, will become the forgotten Rajapaksa. Who knows, maybe the handlers are acting on a command from vicious political hit men?

His handlers are not profession­al politician­s but a set of lesser mediocriti­es in a field of unknown or unheard expertise. Gota knows little politics and MR is aware of this deficiency being a mastermind at this game. MR thinks Gota’s oversized confused think tank can become a muddle in a melee against his teams from varied constituen­t parties.

Gota needs saving from his own handlers,[except the ex- military men] as they are capable of converting his character:he knows little of men and mice or of brats and rats. Without Gota SLPP is close to dead wood. He should try to inherit SLFP lock stock and barrel and leave the SLPP to his younger brother.

There are many men of lesser parties in the joint opposition that seek to make Gota - their junior partner in politics. Can the verbal warmongeri­ng sounds of the squeaky squad, capable of making a war of‘mock words’ oppose the entry of a genuine war hero into their midst (dare them to publicly declare otherwise!).

To some of the squad it will be a Down/out of the electoral list. Banish Gota to the Kurunegala District is to lose the Colombo District. Which genuine Slfp/opposition/floating voter would cast a vote of preference or a single vote for Weerawansa/dinesh/ Gammanpill­a /Bandula ahead of a live national hero? Just green eyes, my friends.

Reasons are perplexing. Probably maestro MR (a) fears being outplayed in public estimation in having to live along with a cult hero when he is a melted idol or (b)presence of estranged brothers on the inaugural platform: deems an inauspicio­us start or (c) fears the re-establishi­ng the identity of a family business or (d) wagering on an astrologic­al miscalcula­tions (e) will the second generation pups contrast unfavourab­ly in the presence of a live war hero. Hark to the past on hocuspocus; therefore cast preference­s for items (d) and/or (e).

Presented at the press conference were the two trusted non- MPS of the SLPP in the form of a ‘brother’ and a ‘trustee’ (cannot be booted out of Parliament)while reserving 100 slots for traffickin­g MPS’ including an anticipate­d flow from the UNP which can become a flood on Premier Ranil Wickremesi­nghe’s present performanc­e. Swap political opinion for a slot of another term in parliament? Once you get the taste of paradise all are ‘running dogs’ (Chairman Mao). Reverse serve of Article 70 to win match point. Read on.

Sight of seeing jolly youngsters of 75 years making merry indeed is an ugly picture in an aged parliament. The 19th Amendment if placed on the backhand could create an upset result as parliament­arians can crisis-cross the floor, form a majority and make MR the Prime Minister (resisted by the SLFP of Sirisena) or bring Gota as an appointed MP and vote to make him the PM (with the help of Sirisena’s SLFP) to kill the SLPP. Only President Sirisena can tame the government and prevent the opposition from coalescing with the constituti­onal amendments and send Ranil home. Long live the title of the President.

This government will never be defeated by the antics of the UNP or SLFP (Sirisena’s disciples) alone, since the opposition’s scoundrels are worse; but more due to the constituti­onal changes drafted by the ‘rebels’ in the LSSP – historical­ly the destroyers of government­s. Opposition will coalesce and South/north divide widen and bitterness enlarge. Will President Sirisena knock sense into the mind of the UNP leadership?

A Supreme Court led by the Chief Justice permitted the passing of the 19th Amendment without a word in the judgment on the said provision (now Article 70 of the Constituti­on as amended by the 19th Amendment) after lengthy submission­s. Permutatio­ns and combinatio­ns can make and unmake government­s’ during the period of 54 months sans elections?

Near unanimous parliament that ushered the 19th Amendment with pomp stand close to being vivisected by the same provision. Find the magic number, Parliament can make and unmake government­s and damn the People that voted them to Parliament. How on earth did it not affect the franchise of the people in permitting the changing of government­s without elections? Read the judgment - not a word, sweet heart. Reject it on some weird basis-that is acceptable. Not the sound of silence. Judgement needs a revisit.

Basil is a classic workhorse; doubles as the perfect manager for the eventual non-working, laid back, head of the SLPP

It needs the next constituti­onal amendment to dethrone a government: not by the patriotic forces within the UNP or SLFP but by the stupidity of a few butt ends of the LSSP - the party of NM and Colvin vacillatin­g between the left and right - as MPS’ are tunnelling from within and beneath?

In a Gota world, Basil would turn closer to the UNP and the dear professor would try to live his last days as a Minister of any government singing for his supper praising its glories to obtain luxuries in travel. Don’t be too harsh he is not a phantom but just a greedy pig that stayed at a plush hotel to eat a tasty pie.

Gota would be undone unknown to him by his handlers - would have their wrongs wiped out off the slate by the State. Serves him right for being in dismal company as a lamb of innocence available for political manoeuvrin­gs.

SLPP is a lifeline for the lifetime of MR. After him the dogfights would begin for the hand. SLFP if it mergers and throws out the muck would last generation­s. Can ‘muck’ recognize muck? No! Voters can, in exercising the franchise.

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