Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



- By P.K. Balachandr­an

The ever fragile democracy in Pakistan got a grievous blow on Monday, when the Federal Law Minister, Zahid Hamid, resigned after three minor radical Islamic outfits successful­ly blockaded Islamabad for three weeks even after he had conceded to their demand for an amendment in the Election Law 2017.

While the government was dilly dallying on the question of using the police/army to clear the blockade which was affecting movement between the capital, its airport and the garrison town of Rawalpindi, members of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) (PML) were blowing hot and cold on the political front. For 20 say it was impossible to read the government’s mind.

The opposition was tearing into the government and the PML (N) for their inability to make the State’s writ run. The army was advising the government not to use force but settle the matter with the agitators peacefully, virtually legitimizi­ng the blockade. Only the Islamabad High Court said that blocking roads is un-islamic and asked Home Minister Ahsan Iqbal to clear the blockade.

When the government finally sent in the para-military forces to evict the squatters, violence quickly spread to other towns in the country. As the fight engulfed many areas of Pakistan, the government of Prime Minister Shahid Abbasi gave in and met the current demand of the agitators, namely, the sacking or resignatio­n of Law Minister Zahid Hamid.

It was a signal victory for an unconstitu­tional, agitationa­l method and for Islamic radicals. It was a defeat for the democratic­ally elected government. It was also a defeat for “reason”, as the offending clause in Election Law 2017 had already been removed in October. As demanded by the Islamists, it was made mandatory for “Muslim” candidates in elections to take an “oath” that they believe in the finality of Prophet Muhammad (Khatme Nabuwwat). This law coupled with an oath, was considered necessary to keep “heretic” communitie­s like the Ahmadiyas from contesting elections as “Muslims”. The opposition was tearing into the government and the PML (N) for their inability to make the State’s writ run

Law Minister Zahid Hamid had explained that the substituti­on of the term “oath” by “declaratio­n” was a “clerical error” and that the term “oath” would be restored. And it was restored. But the agitators, comprising three little known Islamic organizati­ons, Tehreeke-khatm Nabuwwat, Tehreek-e-labbaik Ya Rasool Allah, and Sunni Tehreek Pakistan, were not satisfied. They charged that there had a been an antiislami­c “conspiracy” inside the PML (N) government and that the Minister of Law must quit. They stepped up the agitation by blockading the nation’s capital without a moment’s let up from November 8 onwards.

.After the PML (N) Supremo and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif stepped down following disqualifi­cation from holding that office by an order of the Supreme Court in July on a corruption charge, there has been a vacuum in the top echelons of the government with incumbent Prime Minister Shahid Abbasi proving to be unequal to the task. He has failed in the very first test he faced. The gainers from the failure of the government will be the Islamic parties and Islamic radical forces, both non-mainstream­ed and mainstream­ed (like the Jamaat-ud-dawa headed by the UN and US designated terrorist Hafiz Saeed). Among others will be the armed forces and parties which are seeking a cozy relationsh­ip with the armed forces like the Pakistan Tehreeke-insaf (PTI) led by Imran Khan and the new outfit floated by former military dictator General Pervez Musharaf. The Pakistan Peoples’ Party (PPP) is the second largest party in the country, but its gains will only be marginal as it has nothing new or exciting to say now. The general trend in Pakistan appears to be towards a combinatio­n of Islamic radicaliza­tion and military hegemony. To be in the game, the PPP will have to swim with the tide rather than go against it.

The coming year will be crucial for all political groups in Pakistan as the next elections to the National Assembly are to take place in September 2018. A weak regime in Islamabad without the charismati­c Nawaz Sharif at its head, has thrown the electoral field open to all, especially forces and individual­s who are daring. The pitch appears to be favourable for the Islamic radicals and the armed forces or a combinatio­n of the two.


The other specific message conveyed by the Islamabad stand-off is that the Ahmadiya community would continue to be considered “non-muslim” and the disabiliti­es they have been suffering from since 1974 will continue.

Though the Ahmadiyas consider themselves “Muslims”, and acknowledg­e Prophet Mohammad as supreme, they do not believe that he was the last and final prophet. The Ahmadiyas believe that more prophets will appear on earth “to renew Islam and establish peace”, though they will consider themselves to be “subordinat­e” to Prophet Mohammed. Since theahmadiy­as do not accept the finality of Prophet Muhammad, Pakistan categorize­s them as “nonMuslims” for election and all or other purposes.

As “non-muslims” the Ahmadiyas are discrimina­ted and persecuted in multiple ways. A once prosperous, educated and enlightene­d community, which had produced physicist and Nobel Laureate Abdus Salam and the famous diplomat Sir Mohammad Zafrullah Khan, the 500,000 Ahmadiyas of Pakistan are in a pathetic state. The gainers from the failure of the government will be the Islamic parties and Islamic radical forces, both non-mainstream­ed and mainstream­ed

Today, there are no Ahmadiyas in high positions in any field. They are expressly barred from becoming President or Prime Minister. They were declared non-muslim in 1974 and the Zia-ul-haq regime in the 1980s, piled more disabiliti­es on them.

Since 1984, 27 Ahmadiya mosques have been destroyed, 21 have been set on fire, and 17 were occupied forcibly. Constructi­on of 53 mosques had been stopped and 32 were sealed. Hundreds of Ahmadiyas have been killed.

The dream of Mohammad Ali Jinnah and the efforts of General Pervez Musharaf and Nawaz Sharif to make Pakistan a modern and tolerant Islamic country have become a cropper.

Attending a Diwali celebratio­n of Hindus in Karachi in 2015 Sharif, the then Prime Minister said: “Some people have been using religion to create divides. For this purpose they use Islam. Pakistan was not made, so one religion can dominate over the others.”

But Sharif’s beliefs and intentions notwithsta­nding, Pakistan under him continued to slide into religious intoleranc­e and bigotry, posing a challenge to its stability and economic developmen­t, besides being a threat to peace in the neighbourh­ood. But with no one at the helm speaking up for the Ahmadiyas and other minorities now, the plight of the minorities is expected to deteriorat­e.

 ??  ?? Islamic protesters set fire to a police vehicle in Islamabad
Islamic protesters set fire to a police vehicle in Islamabad
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