Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

A tragi-comic ending of an official conference!


Several leading lights in Sinhala cinema called on a top team member at his office the other day to discuss some burning issues relating to the cinema halls across the country.

These veterans in the film industry, who had come armed with files containing facts and figures relevant to the issues they wanted to discuss, began explaining matters while the top team member seated at the head of the table was giving them an attentive ear.

However, suddenly realizing that there was no response coming forth from the political authority they took a closer look to find that the man was fast asleep.

Deciding that there was no purpose in proceeding with the discussion with a person deep in slumber, the cinema stalwarts stood up to leave the place.

Meanwhile, the politico awakened by the sound of chairs scraping against the floor called out: “Don’t go! Tell me all your problems. I’ll solve them!”

The cinema stalwarts returned to their seats and resumed making their representa­tions quoting facts and figures dug from their files.

After a few minutes, they found the top team member napping again breathing heavily. Livid with anger, they all got up from their seats as one of them said: “Let’s go! This’s not a discussion, but a b…. y joke!”

The top team memberwide awake again made an apologetic appeal: “Don’t go! By the way, what were you saying?”

“What is the use of talking if this is the …” one of them started venting his spleen, but the politico cut him short: “Yes! Yes! You are right! It’s much better for you to put down all your problems in writing! I’ll solve them all without the least delay!”

The cinema stalwarts seething with anger walked out offering no reply, they say.

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