Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



Are you rushing out the door? Quick check to see if you have everything, keys, phone, school bag, homework, CHECK, CHECK and CHECK. But wait did you have breakfast?..no. Well then you've just missed out a super awesome day you would have had! As the age old saying goes it is indeed the most important meal of the day. With a healthy well balanced breakfast you are ready to face the challenges of the day. Especially in the case of children, who have had rested nights sleep to forgo breakfast means that they are starting the day on an empty stomach. With a lack of nutrients to replenish them, they soon lose energy and motivation to do well in school. The simple fact of not having an adequate well balanced breakfast has a significan­t dire effect on the rest of the school going child's day.

With energy level low, they do not fully take part in many of the activities at school, therefore missing out on the plethora of opportunit­ies available for the child. Student athletes will find it more difficult, for without an energy rich diet, they can not perform as best as their bodies are naturally built to do. The beautiful fact about breakfast is that it need not be a complicate­d affair if you want to enjoy energy rich wholesome food. It can be made in minute or even the night before and it will offer you the key to the success you need for the day! Here are some power house breakfast options.

● HEALTHY BREAKFAST SANDWICH: These are super easy because they can be made the night before and only takes a few minutes. First make your omelet of choice, add lots of vegetables, some ground meat or bacon. Next assemble your sandwiches, into your sliced bun add a slice of cheese, some mayonnaise and ketchup, next add your omelette and top with the other half of bun. Keep in fridge till the next morning, next griddle or toast for few minutes until nice and golden. Healthy, hot breakfast on the run.

● SMOOTHIE BOWL: Smoothie bowls are the latest breakfast fad and with the number of fresh fruit we have on the island, an easy one to do. Puree your fruit of choice, with some yoghurt, make it nice and thick. Pour into a bowl, add some more chopped fruit, nuts and even a bit of granola if you have. Yummy!

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