Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



Avoid being overtly fashionabl­e for interviews

In general you should dress conservati­vely for interviews. Dress can vary dramatical­ly from company to company. Whilst semi casuals might be the standard at one place, whereas formal office attire are typical of another. If in doubt, you can check with the HR Department about the dress code.

Do not walk in for your interview and make a bee line to the chair

Instead, upon arriving for your interview, enter the room, smile, greet and make eye contact with your interviewe­r. Then wait until she or he ask you to sit before taking a seat.

Do not fidget during the meeting

During the meeting, don’t fidget or handle things on the other person’s desk. Place your files on your lap, and the handbag on the floor. Be composed at all times.

Don’t treat any questions as unimportan­t

Listen carefully to what you are being asked, and treat all questions as important, and your reply should be carefully thought of before you answer. If a question is difficult, pause before answering.

Do not compromise your overall demeanour

At job interviews especially, how you look and everything you say and do – that is “your oveall demeanour” may have a critical impact on your future.

A cool and controlled demeanour could be a positive indicator in your favour at the interview.

If in doubt, you can check with the HR Department about the dress code

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