Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



Ulcers: The paste made out of Eth Adi leaves is known to treat ulcers. Cancer: Eth

Adi comprises Sesquiterp­enes Lactone - a component used to treat cancer. Respirator­y ailments: Eth Adi is another herb which is highly recommende­d as a cure for conditions such as bronchitis, cough and asthma.

Liver disorders: The root mixture prepared from the Eth Adi plant is used to treat conditions such as jaundice, biliousnes­s and blood impurity. Diabetes: The leaf and root extracts of the Eth Adi plant are consumed by diabetic patients as a remedy for controllin­g diabetes.

Weight loss: A warm mixture of Eth Adi is known to be beneficial for weight loss. Roundworms: A leaf decoction prepared from Eth Adi leaves is used to kill roundworms.

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