Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Sri Lanka impresses Geneva forum with disease surveillan­ce system


“Preventing the threat of use of biological agents is a key priority for Sri Lanka”, stressed Sri Lanka Permanent Representa­tive in Geneva Ambassador Azeez, addressing the Internatio­nal Seminar convened by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and the Implementa­tion Support Unit (ISU) of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) on ‘the importance of disease surveillan­ce and alert mechanisms: lessons for the BWC’ held on November 20.

The seminar focused on the operationa­lization of Article 7 of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), which accentuate­d the importance of technical assistance and internatio­nal cooperatio­n, to respond effectivel­y to epidemics involving bio-agents.

Representi­ng Sri Lanka at this health - security interface forum, Ambassador Azeez explained the existing disease surveillan­ce mechanism in Sri Lanka, which comprised a wide range of medical and administra­tive networks including at national, provincial, and district levels.

He also drew attention to the role and contributi­on of hospitals and primary healthcare units in addressing this challenge efficaciou­sly as well as to laws and policies in place in this context. “Continuing work on strengthen­ing the existing system involved further updating of policies and programmes to empower the National Disease Surveillan­ce System as part of an integrated health-security mechanism”, he added.

While outlining the challenges Sri Lanka is faced with in the arena of disease surveillan­ce, the Permanent Representa­tive of Sri Lanka further stated that despite the existence of a robust disease surveillan­ce system, the effective prevention and control of diseases including through laboratory management in line with internatio­nal standards remained a continuing priority.

He commented that Sri Lanka has an exemplary platform which could be further built on, to be more effective in meeting new and emerging challenges as well as unanticipa­ted outbreaks of epidemics, with the active support of all stakeholde­rs.

The need for a webbased surveillan­ce system that facilities heightened surveillan­ce by integratin­g hospitals at all levels as well as the effective pursuit of a meaningful publicpriv­ate partnershi­p, which could enhance the feeding of data into the central database, was highlighte­d at this forum.

Such carefully developed partnershi­ps, it was stressed, would go a long way in ensuring efficaciou­s responses to future challenges.

Prof. Maurizio Barbeschi, a scientist at the WHO working on global health emergencie­s, appreciate­d Sri Lanka’s system of disease surveillan­ce, indicating that it provided an appropriat­e base to be further worked on as a model.

Health Security experts representi­ng Japan, Russia and South Korea, and regional and internatio­nal organisati­ons and the private sector also made presentati­ons on the varied aspects of disease surveillan­ce mechanisms that are in practice in their respective countries and organisati­ons and their effectiven­ess in responding to sudden outbreaks of epidemics, including those resulting from the use of bio-agents as security threats.

 ??  ?? Ambassador Azeez addressing the seminar Cross section of the audience
Ambassador Azeez addressing the seminar Cross section of the audience

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