Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Wake up call for political transforma­tion


Sri Lankan rulers in Parliament revealed again their habit of working outside the constituti­on; to cause representa­tives of the underprivi­leged ethnic minorities and the poor working class economic minorities to not recognise the top-down ‘appointed’ government as it did not have the vote of majority that elected the unity government to power in 2015.These seasoned representa­tives of the minorities know well of the practice dating back to colonial era, where western oriented gentlemen got elected repeatedly as the elite political leaders of the country, based on the pictures presented to them by political parties in the country by the poor working class voters; even when confronted with exploitati­on challenges and dictatoria­l rule that deprived their basic rights.

It is almost a decade since the civil-war was brought to finish in 2009, but instabilit­y continues without protection of the political rights of minorities in particular the Tamils.the stability in the country is only possible, if economic developmen­t goes parallel with political developmen­t. While the Remembranc­e Day was a day to remember thousands of their relatives whose lives were sacrificed in the struggle for the Tamils for stability in their land and now it is also a day for them to pray to end the present crisis to proceed with political transforma­tion necessary to ensure that the rights and dignity now limited to the ruling class and its shrubs is available for all Sri Lankans.as such the ruling class leaders should take the crisis as a wake up call to make necessary political transforma­tion or get voted out to political wilderness in 2020, if not earlier.


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