Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

‘Make mental check constituti­onal...’


Even the US President is bound to go through a mental fitness test every year

The above titled news appeared in the front page of your issue of December 6, where Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka has said that amendment should be brought into the Constituti­on-making it compulsory for the Head of State, service chiefs and others high posts in government service should go through a mental fitness test annually. This may be due to the incumbent President’s action and thoughts, which had created serious political crisis. In saying so, he quotes ‘The US President is bound to go through a mental fitness test every year, while the other including the Service Chiefs who have the final say in launching nuclear weapons are also bound to do the same’.there was an interestin­g interview over a private TV channel, where a female parliament­arian pleads with ‘First Lady’ to consult a psychiatri­st privately.

Every public servant is expected to go through a medical check, before appointmen­t and this could also apply to politician­s, from President downwards.

Hope drafters of the new constituti­on would give a serious thought to this suggestion.

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