Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

ITN issue amicably resolved

At the discussion­s it was agreed to revert to the pre-october 26 status quo


The issue at Independen­t Television Network (ITN) was amicably resolved after discussion­s with all the parties concerned, Finance and Media Minister Mangala Samaraweer­a told Parliament yesterday.

Rs.100 million was owed by the former president to the ITN

He said this in response to a question asked by JVP Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayak­e on Tuesday. “Discussion­s were held with all parties concerned including Tilaka Jayasundar­a and others and it has been agreed to resolve the conflict in an amicable manner,” the minister said.“the government has decided to revert to the status quo which existed at the ITN prior to October 26 last year. Some workers who had opposed this move had formed ITN Surekime Savindanay­a (Organizati­on to protect ITN).”

He said the workers who protested had ignored the large scale corruption revealed by the Presidenti­al Commission to Probe Serious Frauds. He said the commission had found Opposition Leader Mahinda Rajapaksa and former minister Keheliya Rambukwell­a guilty of these frauds.“one of the frauds was the failure to collect Rs.100 million owed by the former president for advertisem­ents aired during the previous presidenti­al election.

The JVP leader who objected said the minister had failed to answer some vital questions he asked the other day. He said the minister had made some political appointmen­ts to ITN and that one of the deputy general managers appointed was Subash Jayawarden­e an associate of the minister.

The minister admitted that Mr. Jayawarden­e was known to him and that he was a former member of the JVP.

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