Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

FORECAST FOR THE 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs 2019


Snake 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

Year ahead Overview A year of turbulence and disturbanc­es, introspect­ion and self developmen­t would be needed to improve and get over your short comings. Plenty of movement and changes in many aspects of life. The year may have hindrances of many kinds, hence work hard stay positive and resolve problems with compassion and be mindful of your words. Involve in voluntary welfare services and charity.

Health Health needs attention and winter season will make you feel low. Listen to your body and avoid stress. Learn to relax and adopt meditative techniques, exercise and yoga. Avoid Junk foods and consume more liquids, be careful while driving and watch your step when you walk.

Career & Wealth A year to remain low as money luck is poor. Start focusing on your goals avoid conflicts at work as this could cause a lot of issues. Be up front with your work ideas and remain soft in your communicat­ions. New job opportunit­ies may show up towards year end. Those seeking career changes may find opportunit­y coming your way including overseas openings. Relationsh­ip and Love Work on your relationsh­ip issues and try to seek a balance. Those single will have a good year but many would be short lived

romances. A year to introspect on your relationsh­ip and support of your partner. Spend more time with family and friends who matter. Try to avoid disagreeme­nts with partners and resolve issues at the earliest.

Remedies for the year Wear a Rainbow Jasper Beads.

Lucky Stone Rainbow Jasper

Lucky colour in 2019

Red, Orange & Gold

Lucky Direction South & Southwest Supportive Zodiac Horse & Monkey.

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